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C.O.D. Rockstacker Trail

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0.6 miles
112' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on C.O.D. Rockstacker

The Rockstacker segment of COD runs from ELV to the intersection of Ticket To Ride.

This segment was created as a re-route to COD in 2015. When it was constructed there was also the old COD line still in existence, so we needed to keep the name separate. That is not an issue currently so we may end up removing this name.

The trail starts out from ELV and winds through some pine trees for maybe 200 yards, and then quickly becomes rocky and technical. Expect a fair amount of rock obstacles to ride over. The concept of the trail is narrow, primitive and difficult.

COD Rockstacker has almost no elevation loss or gain. Keep up your momentum and try not to dab or get stuck. Top speed on this trail will be 10 mph. The trail is slightly easier to ride in the Eastbound direction due to 1 or 2 rock obstacles.

Note that there are no go-arounds on this section of trail. Please don’t create one. If you can’t ride a feature – please walk your bike.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. tamaracklarch says:

      Rode well yesterday 5/24/21 and found a linkage bolt just off of the trail. I have it and am happy to reunite it with its owner- send me a private message and I’ll get it to you!

    2. Wesdes says:

      Rode it about a week ago and it was nice! 100% dry and ready for another great season. Love this trail because it always keeps me on my toes. Hope to ride it a couple more times this week.

    3. Brian Jones says:

      Riding super good! Thanks to whoever plugged the go-arounds that were evident (3?). Kudos!
      Lets have one trail that doesn’t have cheater routes to keep our skills at the top level. This is a short route so lets keep the skill level at the upper end. Given how slack the trails are around here lets keep this one on the really black side OK? Thanks to the Dark Knight who ever you may be!!

      1. Joe Myers says:

        Hey Brian. I created this trail and rode it yesterday. There are 2-3 boulders near the west end which you can ride over but they were never meant to be THE only option they just happen to be next to the tread. Please don’t pile logs next to these features. Looks really unnatural on a very natural looking trail. Piling debris is never the answer. Instead try your best to make things look natural. Bury rocks half way into dirt, or bury logs. Same goes for all other trails.

    4. Joe Myers says:

      Not a significant change, but this trail now extends to the west across road 400 and connects to Old COD. Eventually trail will cross old COD with filters on both sides.

    5. Grace Ogawa says:

      Trail is clear and riding excellent.

      To echo what has been said by others: this trail is a perfect example of technical, challenging, rocky, “anti-flow” trail. As a CA transplant who cut her teeth (and her knees) on cow tracks and creek beds, this is my jam! This trail is great as a wake-up call at the beginning of your climb, or as a a post-descent climax. I’d be disappointed to see it smoothed over, and would seriously enjoy more trails like it. Specifically I like the challenging technicality without the heart-stopping drops/jumps.


      Knee pads are practically required. Elbow pads are highly recommended. Not only will they save you a possible (and painful) trip to the ER, the boosted confidence will help you actually ride stuff.

      Also, it is definitely more challenging in the Westbound direction (riding from Phil’s toward the Welcome Center), so ride it that way first. Yes, ride it the “hard” way first. Get used to walking, scouting, and re-trying bits. Then go the “easy” way and, with your improved eye, concentration and coordination, enjoy the ride!

    6. Cam Dash says:

      Almost good to go! 3-4 short but unridable sections of snow. This trail is awesome if you love tech and rocks, good work COTA!

    7. Brent Edens says:

      Love this section and the name. Rockstacker.
      Hope it remains challenging and doesn’t get too woven too quickly…

    8. Brian Jones says:

      Finally! A challenging trail. As a CO transplant I’ve been waiting trails that were as technical as what I used to ride. Back in CO there were miles of trails like this. Literally 10+miles!
      No matter how short this trail rocks! It would be awesome to have more trails of this caliber. Trails that flow are great but let’s up the ante and have trails that challenge a riders skills. Love this trail!! Lets have more so we can have more fun!!!!

    9. I really like the tech COD section by Tetherow — and Rockstacker is more of the same. Definitely a test of your mountain bike focus and low-speed MTB handling skills. Bend needs more trails like this!

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