E-bikes NOT allowed on Skyliner
Skyliner Trail connects the top of Phil’s Network to Skyliner Sno Park. It is one of two options which lead from Phil’s (at the Whoops bench) to the high country. From the sno park, riders can connect to the Tumalo Ridge or Southfork trails to get to the upper trails. The other climbing option is the Upper Whoops trail.
There are a few rocky sections and a couple short climbs, but nothing extreme.
This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.
All clear
one new smallish tree down location unknown.
Clear of trees and snow
Still many patches of snow, but the deadfall is all cut out. Another week or two and the snow will be a non issue.
One deadfall tree (8-10”) 1/8th of a mile East of the Skyliner Trail Head
Free and clear! Thanks to whoever cleared the tree, you’re my hero.
One chainsaw tree down about one mile from Skyliners TH.
Left a gopro + chest mount on skyliner today. I’m a dummy.
All clear and riding well. Plenty of pine cones and small debris since it hasn’t been ridden much of late.
All clear today, no puddles. Amazing dirt. Go now, don’t wait!
Trail is in great shape, tree that was down is now gone
One tree down across trail 3/4 to 1 mile from Skyliner Trailhead ~10″ in diameter. Trail still has quite a bit of snow sections.
I cleared a tree of about that size and location at 10:30 am or so on 4/26. Any chance this is the same tree?
Must have been because nothing was down on it this afternoon.
All clear and the pine needles are breaking up quickly. Lots of people parking at Skyliner trail head and using this trail. Saw an ebiker (Class 3 or better, fully motorized) on this trail.
All clear. Riding well! A few pine needles but they are getting broken up quickly.
Only two small (6ft) sections of snow on the trail. Perfect conditions otherwise.
Some freeze and thaw patches of mud.
Cleared all the deadfall. Still some snow patches but you can get to Skyliner TH if you are willing to do a little hike a bike.
Rode on Jan 1. Made my way there from Bens to Pinedrops (both were pretty icy) and then on to Skyliners. Lots and lots of snow at the top of Pinedrops and Lower Whoops. Anyways, It looks like I was the first on Skyliners this winter, with no tracks and deep snow… Not packed at all. Free of trees too. It was fun, I would say I made it half way to Skyliners parking lot until the snow got too deep and I got too tired. Cheers, have fun.
Trees are all gone. Tread is perfect.
First one is about 6-8″ diameter and can be bunny hopped. Second one was more in the 14-16″ range. About a quarter mile apart, about 2/3 of the way to Skyliner TH.
Rode up today. Soft from TH parking to start of actual trail then quite good all the way with only 2 small snow patches. 2 trees across trail in easy to see places. Lots of cones. Always a fun ride but will be better once it firms up a bit more.
How large were the trees?
A few icy patches but mostly perfect dirt.
2” new light fluff over packed snow made for a fabulous ride today.
Fresh dusting of snow on Skyliner made for a winter wonderful fatbike ride. Semi-packed with a few fresh sections of snow.
In perfect shape yesterday. One tree (with a janky roll-over) down about .5 mile from the Whoops-end.
Slushy with deep puddles bordering on small ponds.
Probably still best on a fat bike but there’s enough tracks now to ride it by other means. Looks like it’s going to stay cold for a few days so melting shouldn’t be an issue but keep an eye on temps in the future.
See Ryan’s comments from 5 days ago. As of today, there is one major deadfall, which I snuck under.
~12 in tree 1/4 min from trail head. It’s fairly high off ground so going under is probably the best play. Two more down just after the “skinny” feature. I cleared the top one so now it’s at least rideable but the bottom is decent sized (12in). Cleared one more near the Whoops intersection and ran out of daylight so settled with 2/4 on the night.
Went out to clear that tree but a trail gnome beat me to it. Standing water has vacated as well
Smallish tree down (6in) just past halfway coming from Skyliner TH. Some standing water on trail today but tires aren’t leaving ruts.
Momma hawk was out dive bombing this morning once again. I’ve had two encounters with her. The nest is approximately 0.5-0.75 miles in from Whoops. Ride fast and keep your head down!!
All clear.
report from a friend today: “Couple of small patches of snow. Could easily ride through them”.
report from Tad at Cota:
Cleared considerable winter fall…mostly chainsaw work…all ‘logs’ cleared Much snow/ice still present-up to 30+” depth, multiple canals of water. Usual smaller debris still present. Last fall’s rock work below rotted play-log held well through the winter
Good riding on fatbike & mid-fat today!
Found a nice jacket and vest on skyliner heading towards South fork. If it’s yours let me know.
Really sweet after the recent rains….but, hurry!
No snow. No deadfall. Good to go.
Riding really awesome this morning — such perfect dirt. Thanks Don for clearing the deadfall!
Now the snow is gone too :)
The trees are all gone and only a couple of snow patches. Riding well!
Thanks Don!
Hey, thanks! That’s one of my favorite trails to use as a connector for big loops. Much appreciated.
Now there are only two trees left down but still some snow patches.
Skyliner has about 10 trees down and a few snow patches. I will try and cut those trees later this week.