Flagline Tie Trail

COTA Deadfall Summary

Users don’t always provide a description of the deadfall – but will sometimes leave additional details in a trail report – so that’s worth checking.

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If you want to learn more about the Central Oregon Trail Alliance or help out with trail work, visit cotamtb.com.

  Southfork July 26, 2024 There’s a leaner down on the straight fast section before the last big left hand turn- small (prob only needs a hand saw) but does require a duck.
  Waldo Lake July 23, 2024 East side trees down. Better reports on FB
  C.O.D. July 19, 2024 8-10” tree about half mile west of visitor center
  Metolius - Windigo (Todd Lk) July 18, 2024 1-2 trees down
  Flagline Access July 18, 2024 3 quite large trees down at 1.5 miles in (from Dutchman).
  Cultus Lake Loop July 18, 2024 Three trees down on the north side of the Cultus Lake, one is 4ft DBH, very hard to get over. Also 2 down along little Cultus Lake.
  Charlton Lake #19 July 17, 2024 Not ready. Do not ride this trail.
  Metolius-Windigo (99) July 17, 2024 Riding well. 1 medium tree down about a mile south of Lemish. In the burn near Lemish, plenty of pokey branches that need cutting back as well.
  McKenzie River July 17, 2024 No deadfall details provided.
  Met-Win » Flagline to Happy Valley July 16, 2024 Counted 8 deadfall across Met-Win from FL Access to top. Middle Fork running fast. Yes multiple snow patches but not a hassle.
  Tiddlywinks (Lower) July 14, 2024 Tree down on uphill route though the trail is so sandy after the COTA work don’t even bother….
  Ridge Loop July 10, 2024 Downed tree just before junction with Flagline Tie.
  Metolius-Windigo » Lava Lake July 5, 2024 Tree every half mile or so. More on the north half
  Scar Mountain July 3, 2024 Riding great, several small trees down.
  Gordan Peak July 3, 2024 Several small trees down, riding well!
  Chimney Peak July 3, 2024 Several large trees down on the old road bed climb a couple miles from the gordon peak junction
  Pyramids July 3, 2024 Multiple trees, boulders down in trail. Heavy overgrowth near the meadow
  Pyramid Epic Loop July 3, 2024 Rode clockwise from North Pyramid. Conditions are prime! Some deadfall but none in high speed sections. Go get it!
  Crescent Mountain (North) July 3, 2024 Broken snag across trail about 1/3 down from top, yellow jacket nest at break. Three down at around 1/2, 1 in switchback turn below clearing
  King Castle June 30, 2024 4-5 significant size trees down on the top section of Kings Castle above Forest Road 480 on the way up to Castle Rock intersection.
  Duodenum June 26, 2024 Deadfall across trail approximately 1/2 way up the climbing section.
  Metolius-Windigo (99 Upper) June 24, 2024 LIkely deadfall from The Tam McArthur Rim trail southward.
  Gate Creek June 23, 2024
  O’Leary Mountain June 19, 2024 About 8 large trees down on the first half of the trail (from olallie), otherwise second half is clear
  Browder Ridge June 13, 2024 Snow is all melted on Browder and Gate Creek. Trail is about 80% ridable with sections of deadfall throughout so currently a bit of hike a bike.
  Heckletooth May 11, 2024 One big tree down maybe halfway down; will require saw… otherwise running great
  Hardesty May 11, 2024 A couple few trees down that will require saw but otherwise pretty mint
  PRT East March 21, 2024
  Santiam Wagon February 27, 2024 9 trees down- From the bottom- 5 at mile 1ish, 2 at mile 2ish, and 1 at mile 2.75. Thrree of them need chainsaws.
  Frissell February 20, 2024 Trail is destroyed at the lower creek crossings. Countless fallen trees from the winter storms in the new burn. Unridable until repaired.
  Middle Fork » Upper January 15, 2024 No deadfall details provided.
  Bunchgrass January 15, 2024 Not logged
  Moore Creek January 15, 2024 34 trees down, most are small and easy, two or 3 that are larger.
  Betty Lake January 15, 2024 4 trees down
  Charlton Lake #3593 October 8, 2023 Didn’t get very far in to link up with Waldo but trees down right from the road crossing where the fire took its toll.
  Gordon Lakes October 5, 2023 2-3 trees between the lakes and Meadows. Nothing too troublesome
  Heart Lake October 5, 2023 No deadfall details provided.
  Olallie October 1, 2023 15 trees down between Olallie North TH and O'Leary junction. First one is a mess with a large root ball.
  Chucksney Mountain August 8, 2023 Not logged out
  Cone Peak July 5, 2023 No deadfall details provided.
  Swamp Peak July 3, 2023 No deadfall details provided.
  Iron Mountain June 14, 2023

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