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Lower Whoops Trail

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1.8 miles
-458' ↓

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Lower Whoops

Lower Whoops is a downhill only trail and should never be used to climb. To reach start of the trail, climb Forest Road 310 which runs roughly parallel to Lower Whoops. The trail head can also be accessed by climbing Helipad or Pinedrops if you want to add a more challenging climb to your ride.

This trail is classified as Blue – and most everything is rollable, however many many people get hurt on this trail each year. Hazards include jumps, berms and tight gaps between trees.

Pay attention for fast riders who may come up behind you quickly and be ready to pull to the side and let them pass. If you come up to a slow rider in front of you, be cool, and give them a chance to pull to the side. Trail Love is way more important than your Strava segment.

Lower Whoops was created originally by Jeff Frissell and was called often “Frissel Frazzel.” Also called “Whoopty” trail. The Original trail was created using the water Banks created after logging an area. These water banks are all over the forests which allow water to focus in on the re planted trees. In more recent years the trail changed a little each season and the COTA machine us used to create more stoke.

Video of Lower Whoops

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. BendTrails says:

      Snow still hanging on at upper elevations

    2. BendTrails says:

      Almost dusty but open (on the weekend) and riding. A wee bit of snow at the top near first table.

    3. Brian Thomas Coop says:

      There’s a great (fatty) track packed in as of late afternoon 12/11 – combined with a good climb track on Pinedrops. Let’s get out there on 12/12 and keep it going!

    4. BendTrails says:

      Starting Monday 10/18 Lower Whoops is closed monday – friday for forest restoration

      1. Adam Wildenstein says:

        Appears that the closure is over, the signs have been removed.

        1. You’re correct. The Lower Whoops closure is over. Only upper, Upper StormKing remains closed between Helipad and Grand Slam (M-F).

    5. Cog Wild says:

      Riding very well. the trail is open from 3pm on Fridays-dark on Sundays. The surrounding roads are closed!
      Ride from an open trail head to get to whoops, Skyliner TH, PHil’s… Don’t park on Skyliner road at the entrance of 300

    6. Ross Lesko says:

      A good Samaritan found a cable lock at the bottom of Lower Whoops; it’s sitting on a tree stump at the turnoff from Skyliner.

    7. BendTrails says:

      Road 300 — the access road to Lower Whoops — will be temporarily closed after Thanksgiving for repair and maintenance. Trails which cross the road will remain open but there will be no parking allowed in this area. This work is in preparation for a forest thinning project that is scheduled to happen in 2021. More on that later…

    8. Wow. Those jumps. So fresh.

      1. Kevin Donnelly says:

        Too bad people are riding 30 deep, camping at the bottom of the trail and shuttling like a bunch of tw@ts.

    9. Jeremy Davidson says:

      Sabotage?!! My ride ended with a nail in tire somewhere between the very end of Lower Whoops and an 1/8th mile into EXT over to Phils. It was a slow leak, so I didn’t discover it was a nail until after airing up and riding further.

      It was an approximately 3 to 4 inch nail bent in half, discovered in the center of my tire tread. Since hundreds of us ride these trails each day and I didn’t depart the trail, I can’t help but figure this must have been sabotage.

      Unfortunately, it was near dark, so I didn’t have time to go back up, search for more nails, or have a casual chat with the several folks camping around the bottom of Lower Whoops.


    10. Marcia Buser says:

      Found a hydration pack today off of Skyliners Road near Lower Woops. Please contact me to identify and claim: 503 481-1870

    11. Tim Maddux says:

      Was riding great on Friday 5/10. Then COTA broomed it and smoothed it out a bit on the Saturday 5/11 trail love day, and on Sunday 5/12 it was as good as I’ve ever seen.

    12. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Hiked from the top last night. Just a few small snow patches left so watch out for ice and ruts but about 99% is completely clear and all rideable.

    13. Robert Crocker says:

      The first half is pretty unridable. Lots of snow and muddy! Give it another week

    14. Colin Mcvey says:

      1″ thick sheet ice with 1/8″ powder on top

    15. Brett Farrell says:

      Descended Lower Whoops on the fatty this morning in 2-4″ of fresh, untracked snow. Snow packed down nicely and bike handled great with 4-5psi in 4.8’s setup tubeless.

      1. Truett Shilling says:

        Wondering if you came down to lower whoops from Skyliners or somewhere? But maybe you just climbed from Bens? Wondering about those upper trails for the fatty. :)

    16. Sam Green says:

      Found a wallet on Saturday @ around 6pm on the lower section of Lower Whoops.
      Call or txt 787 595 4456

    17. Barkin Aygun says:

      Riding great, brake bumps seem to have cleared, too. Thank you to everyone working on trails!

    18. Riding perfect. I think I might have shrunk over the winter because those jumps look a lot bigger than last year. Nice work jump builders!

    19. James Moro says:

      There’s one muddy tranny on the 3rd or 4th jump but, otherwise, it’s golden! Have at it!

    20. Jon Skyline says:

      Some wet dirt in one of the dips near the beginning but otherwise not bad. otherwise I didn’t think the ruts were that apparent. Some new features and build ups in the bottom quarter.

    21. Mike Schmeiske says:

      Stay away for a few weeks. It’s been getting hammered by riders when it’s muddy creating gnarly ruts in dips and landings of jumps.

    22. Colin Mcvey says:

      It’s fine in the mornings but after it thaws it too wet to ride without creating ruts. Figure it’s off limits after about noon.

    23. Laura Coombs says:

      Floaty. Powder covered tracks (could barely see them at times) from a day or two before, was pretty much untouched, though the last 400 yards of the trail was a bit mucked up.

    24. Riding great this afternoon. Frozen solid with just a 1/4″ of snow crust in the exposed areas. Lots of black ice on Skyliners Road so watch out for that.

    25. Natalie Herse says:

      1/2″ grippy, crusted snow transitioned to hero dirt as I descended. Super fun, no mud or slick ice. Thanks to the solo trail maintenance guy out there refreshing a few of the whoops.

    26. Jim W says:

      Hero dirt this afternoon, no slush/mud/water. Get it while you can!

    27. Ryan Crotty says:

      Top half is currently a mix of slush, mud, and standing water.

    28. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      All clear.

    29. Dave Sparling says:

      I rode Lower Whoops yesterday. There are still some heavy drifts to push through on the fire road climb near the top, and the first couple hundred feet of the trail have some small snow drifts, but after that the trail is perfect! (small drifts probably gone by this weekend)

    30. Tristan S says:

      Top is snowy, Middle is snowy / muddy / sketchy, Bottom is quite nice.

    31. Dave Sparling says:

      Lower Whoops is really only rideable for the bottom half, if that. Top half is lots of pushing and heavy snow – another couple weeks for this one.

    32. Joe Myers says:

      Per Simon below:

      Rode Lower Whoops last weekend, some patchy snow about 1/2-3/4 the way up, but overall the dirt was prime!

    33. I’ve stomped Lower Whoops down from the bottom to the bench a couple times. Still way too soft and deep to fatbike on, but makes for a good snowshoe workout.

    34. Natalie Herse says:

      No longer packed down. Easily 5″ new snow today. Still rideable with gravity on your side and super fun but we had to walk UP a few of the whoops! At least there are 3 new fatbike tracks started so get out there fatbikers and ride (or snowshoe)!

    35. Joe Myers says:

      10″ wide packed goodness this afternoon. Proud of ya’all for packing it down! Those banked turns and whoops feel like it’s one of the best snow routes in the states!

    36. Colin Mcvey says:

      First half is getting deep but is mostly packed on the line. Snow lasts until the last hundred meters or so.

    37. Dave Custer says:

      did this the other night on a standard 29r. We climbed 300, with some light, firm snow and dropped into L. Whoops, light snow, super firm, really grippy with the cold temps.

    38. Greg Copley says:

      Rode this 3x yesterday, trail is in great shape, thank you trailworkers!

    39. Alan Brandt says:

      Upper portion still muddy.

    40. Too muddy to ride today (Friday). Probably be prime tomorrow afternoon after the snow melt has a chance to soak in.

    41. Chad Ash says:

      Road up has a few snowdrifts but it’s rideable. The singletrack back down is completely clear and dry. Riding great.

    42. Aaron Altier says:

      Snow still in play. Fireroad becomes unrideable about halfway up. Only the bottom of whoops is clear to ride.

      1. Simon Turner says:

        Rode Lower Whoops last weekend, some patchy snow about 1/2-3/4 the way up, but overall the dirt was prime!

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