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Browder Ridge Trail

Trail Snapshot:

4.3 miles
2000' ↑
Snow is all melted on Browder and Gate Creek. Trail is about 80% ridable with sections of deadfall throughout so currently a bit of hike a bike.

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Browder Ridge

Browder Ridge Trail connects to the West end of Gate Creek Trail, and you will most likely want to ride up Browder Ridge and down Gate Creek. You can also access Heart Lake Trail at the top of the ridge, which is a short out-and-back to the peak above Heart Lake.

Browder Ridge begins as a steady climb through old growth forest and pops out into some alpine meadows before long. Once on the ridge, you will head back into the tree cover and ride through a burned section of the ridge. In and out of more meadows along the ridge until you reach the intersection of Heart Lake Trail and the continuation on Gate Creek Trail.

The trail is “scrappy” for lack of a better term. Lots of rock jank which is going to be hike-a-bike in spots. Amazing views once into the Meadow which last for most of the trail.

At the Eastern end of the ridge there’s a lovely rock outcropping you can ride out onto for some great Cascade views.

Hit up Horse Creek Lodge & Outfitters if you need a guide or a shuttle to Browder/Gate Creek.

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    1. Marc Fortier says:

      Riding great, except for last mile before intersection with Gate Creek, which has deadfall : 6-8 large logs

    2. Big Fatty says:

      closed per fire map

    3. Big Fatty says:

      Cleared 7/2/23 by Joe/Peter.

    4. Joe Myers says:

      Trail clear. Crew of 2 on logout and 1 on brushing the meadow

    5. Suzanne Marcoe says:

      As foreshadowed by my update in the fall, Browder really got hammered this winter. Many, many trees. Mostly clear of snow, just one short section of a few deep patches.

    6. Suzanne Marcoe says:

      Lots of trees down on Browder. Still worth riding but is going to take some work to clear in the spring.

    7. Suzanne Marcoe says:

      I went out to Browder today to clear what I could and do some brushing. There are ~5 chainsaw size trees on the climb. There is only one tree down on the ridge. I chopped a bunch of pricklies and brush until I ran out of time, but there are more spots on the ridge that really need some attention. The ridge has a few tiny snow patches that I’m sure will be gone soon. Ride it now while the brush is low!

        1. Matthew Simeti says:

          Thanks for the update! We rode out there today. We cleared about 5 trees with the handsaw we had. There are two trees left. One near the bottom and the other about mid way that need to be cut with a chainsaw or bigger handsaw.

    8. Mike Schmeiske says:

      Vegetation along trail inhibit sight lines much more than previously in the season. Be watchful for very dusty and loose corners, especially in open areas (where the sight lines are tight). Still a blast!

    9. Joe Myers says:

      Trail is clear. Thanks Lev, James, Wade and co.

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