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Wanoga: 3 PSI Trail

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3.5 miles
329' ↑

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Trail Description

  COTA Grooming and Trail Report

All COTA trails groomed just before freezing temps and light snow Wednesday evening. Should setup nicely for Thursday morning if not too much overnight snow.

Check your weather and get out early ahead of rising daytime temperatures this week.
Enjoy and tell your dog hello.

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Winter conditions can change hourly... If you’ve ridden this route recently, you can add a report to the discussion area below — or use the status update pull down at the top of the page.

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Wanoga: 3 PSI

Please Help Keep Trails Open to us by Respecting Trail Etiquette:

  • We share the ski and snowshoe trailhead on the north side of parking lot.
  • Take the snowshoe loop. PLEASE stay off the ski loops. Do not ride on or in the classic tracks.
  • Wide tires 3.8″ or wider.
  • Important: TIRE PRESSURE – based on current conditions use 4 PSI. Your sidewalls should wrinkle like a funny-car tire.
  • If you’re leaving ruts its too soft to ride.
  • Yield to all other users when riding.
  • Meissner Nordic helped us get our trails please help ease trail conflicts and stay off the groomed Nordic trails.

Sno-Park Permits Are Required:

  • A Sno-Park Permit is required when parking in any Oregon State Sno-Park between November 1 and April 30. Pick one up at Pine Mountain or Sunnyside.

Snowmobile Trails:

  • Its is difficult for snowmobile riders to see you. You will hear them way before they see you pull over and let them pass.
  • Stay to the far right of the trail and yield to snowmobiles.

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    1. Miguel Montaña says:

      Regarding dogs….

      Off-leash dogs are allowed at this snow park. That’s great. I love dogs.

      AND anywhere in Deschutes County you are required to have your dog under your direct control. It’s the county law. And it’s there for a reason. That means a dog that returns to you on command. If a dog will not return to you on command, it has no place off-leash on public land in DC.

      Furthermore a dog that chases and barks at other users is an aggressive manner isn’t a good dog to have off leash. That is a dog not under the owner’s direct control.

      So today a skier with headphones in, dog off-leash, chased, barked and nipped and bit my foot. I had heavy boots and gators on. But that’s a dog that has no business off-leash in public lands.

      Only to be chased and barked at by another set of dogs (Jerry).

      Again, your dog needs to be under your direct control anytime off-leash in publicly accessible lands in DC. That’s a dog that responds to your voice commands, and that you can recall at anytime.

      Besides all that. It’s rude. We all have a right to peacefully enjoy our public lands without having dogs be a nuisance.

      So, off-leash dogs are awesome. Owners don’t have the ability to control their dogs and choose to take them anyways are not. I can’t control mine. So I keep them at home.

      Oh yeah. Thanks groomers. 3 PSI was firmer than outer loop. The air is knocked out. But hit early before sun slush.

    2. Miguel Montaña says:

      Firm base. Dry packed powder turns are a greasy. Snow besides groomed section is settled and doesn’t look like drifting will be an issue for the time being. Thanks groomers!!!

    3. Miguel Montaña says:

      What is Swoops?

      Swoops is part of 3 PSI. It’s a little option on that loop that climbs up about 60′ vert and then swoops down through some super fun banked turns (Banked turns are not easily created — thanks groomers!)

      Swoops is ~Watch out for Grizzlies on Strava.

      Swoops, like several parts of 3 PSI, can be susceptible to wind blown snow/drifting, so it’s not always groomed. In my observation it’s the last priority to groom, and the one most likely to get lost in the snow.

      And, the most fun.

      1. Gretchen Rowe says:

        Saturday AM- the groomers are working hard, but there’s so much snow! The only bit groomed is Bootlegger, & all is very soft. Make your donations, it’ll be a couple days of grooming before it’s worth the drive.

    4. Miguel Montaña says:

      Swoops is artistry. Thanks groomers!

    5. Miguel Montaña says:

      So fun! 3 PSI is softer than outer loop, especially swoops. Air down for more fun. Thanks groom crew!

    6. Miguel Montaña says:

      Thank you Groom Crew!!!!

    7. Miguel Montaña says:

      Wind blown snow has buried the wonderful grooming work.

    8. Miguel Montaña says:

      Got pretty buried in wind blown snow. Might be rideable with 5.05” tires on 100 mm rims by an 80 lb rider.

    9. Brian Thomas Coop says:

      A couple inches of post groom freshies, a couple snowshoers, plus some fresh fatty tracks have 3psi running great on 1/7/23.

    10. William Priest says:

      Recently groomed and ready to ride. Snow in good condition. Stay in the middle of the trail and watch for sudden turns. I saw many tire tracks where people over shot the turn and blew out the trail. Slow down. Also, when you find an off chamber turn, ride up on the high side. Don’t ride in the deep soft ruts. Reminder that eBikes are not allowed on these trails. I saw 2 riders out there today and couldn’t catch them to talk about proper etiquette.

    11. Grace Ogawa says:

      Rode it the morning of Feb 2 and it’s really in excellent condition considering. Swoops was freshly groomed and riding well, too! Still need to be careful of thin-crust areas and hidden postholes, as always.

    12. Grace Ogawa says:

      Beautiful to ride morning of Jan 9 (Sunday). Definitely needs a gentle touch in places so it’s in great condition for taking it easy and enjoying the volcano views. Swoops has not been groomed since the storm. Gary tells me it was an 8 hour day just getting the main loops back.

      Toss a coin to your groomers, they’re doing amazing work.

    13. Miguel Montaña says:

      Another Gary Meyer in-the-wild, on-a bike-sighting. Dusting of fresh snow on firm and smooth groomed snow. Conditions were pretty perfect. Didn’t notice ice. But I’d be mindful of it in the typical locations.

    14. Grace Ogawa says:

      So this is technically ridable but you want LOW PSI (like 3 or lower) and ride delicately… that being said, it was great fun! A few people have been on it with too much air and left the some divots on the east (far) end but it’s 80% gorgeous. Just… delicate.

    15. Miguel Montaña says:

      Thank you so much groomers for your work. Trail is in exceptionally rideable condition given how much new snow we’ve received. So if you see this and are wondering if it’s worth going out on Thursday morning, by all means yes. It will all likely get buried tomorrow night.

    16. Miguel Montaña says:

      Firm fast and flowy. Enjoyed seeing Gary Meyer in the wild, on a bike and not grooming. Thanks!

    17. Miguel Montaña says:

      Inch or two of fresh on firm base. Swoops has drifted unridable snow for about 30′. The rest was soft but two bikes, two loops, ridden in decently.

    18. Miguel Montaña says:

      Was riding great this morning. Snow was accumulating but enough riders circling it kept getting ridden in. SWOOPS aka WOFGB was lost in drifted snow.

    19. Grace Ogawa says:

      Great job groomers! Was riding really well this morning. The extra snow has given the trails more cushion but they’re also a bit slidier. Definitely air down those tires to 3 PSI or less, and be gentle on the corners.

    20. Miguel Montaña says:

      1” fresh on gorgeous base. Perfect.

    21. Grace Ogawa says:

      Riding really well today! 3 PSI for 3 PSI is the sweet spot.

      1. Bonnie Phippen says:

        Just got off 3PSI. A couple was coming off it as we started (3 of us). So followed their tracks as it snowed a wet snow. But rideable! If temps keep lowering maybe could ride it this aft, but if not it will be too heavy of snow my guess. — Oops clicked wrong reply button so this is not chronological.

    22. Grace Ogawa says:

      Met a guy out here who said “this is a postcard day!” and I think that’s about the sum of it. Great riding!

    23. Miguel Montaña says:

      Thanks Groom Crew! Very well packed. No ice.

    24. Miguel Montaña says:

      3 PSI was perfect today. Thanks Groom Crew!

    25. Gary Meyer says:

      WOOHOO! What fun it is to ride again!

    26. Gary Meyer says:

      3-PSI is still under DEEP SNOW

    27. Gary Meyer says:

      Winter Storm!
      White out conditions at Wanoga.
      3-PSI is gone until this storm passes.
      Expect VERY soft conditions and deep drifts on Outer Loop

    28. Gary Meyer says:

      Steve groomed both loops.

      I’ll hit it again tomorrow.

    29. Miguel Montaña says:

      Was perfect this morning. Firmly packed tread. Light dust of powder on top.

    30. Gary Meyer says:

      Packed and riding well

    31. Gary Meyer says:

      Freshly groomed.
      May be the last time we groom unless we get more snow.

    32. Derek Manwill says:

      Trails were great in the morning!

    33. Gary Meyer says:

      3/7/2018 Outer loop and 3-PSI were ripping fast this morning. When the sun burns through it will get soft.

    34. Gary Meyer says:

      Trails did not set well and are soft

    35. Gary Meyer says:

      See non grooming report below map

    36. Gary’s Grooming Report now appears at the top of both Wanoga Fat Bike trail pages…

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