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Swampy/Dutchman Trail

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4.4 miles
669' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Swampy/Dutchman

The Swampy/Dutchman connector is a great way to get from Swampy Lakes to Metolius-Windego without riding Flagline (which is closed for Elk calving most of the summer).

The route is mostly wide double track so it’s not one of those “must ride” trails — but it’s still a lot more fun than connecting via Century Drive.

In winter, it’s a great fat bike route which is usually cleared of downfall and packed down by snowmobiles. See our blog post about fat bike routes and best practices for riding on snowmobile trails.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Don Leet says:

      Clear all the way!

    2. Joe Myers says:

      trail cleared. Thanks Don Leet (and swampers)

    3. Joe Myers says:

      2 trees down. One suspended 20” tree down and a hand job down a little further. Closer to dutchman than swampy but somewhere in the middle

    4. Ryan Pedersen says:

      The first 2 miles starting from Dutchman side was pretty decent. Good amount of snow remaining in first 1/8 mile. No trees up high but could be some farther down.

    5. Chris Bailey says:

      The last maybe 1/3rd? of the singletrack before reaching the double track is now covered with many many logs. This is not blowdown, but seems intentional to prevent riding on the trail. I didn’t see any signs or what not, so this may be known/process to restore some of the trail, etc., but beware, as it’s probably 50+ chunks of trees/logs/branches that are covering the trail for a fair ways.

      1. Tom Lomax says:

        Hi Chris,
        wondering about what you found on the trail. this was on the section that is grown in and is like single track? How far down from Dutchman would you say?

      2. Jason Caron says:

        Not sure if this helps at all. On Wednesday heading back to town I noticed a small work crew of 6 or so people walking west on the trail. All had hard hats, masks, and some had tools. Just a it further down the road was a Heart of Oregon Conservation Corps van parked along Cascade Hwy and another vehicle. It’s a total guess but they may know something about this. Maybe some confusion on what is expected on this trail as it serves many user groups.

        1. Tom Lomax says:

          Mystery solved. That work was intended for the winter only trail that runs out the NE side of Tumalo. Not sure that it will get fixed until melt out at this time.

    6. Don Leet says:

      Trail is clear from Flagline Tie too the snowmobile section. There are probably trees down from there to Dutchman

    7. Eric Colton says:

      So. much. sand.

    8. Zach Blickman says:

      14″ tree down a little below the vista butte jct. Spotty snow with more on the trail as you get closer to Dutchman

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Cleared. Thanks for the report

    9. Zach Blickman says:

      Trail is in great shape, including singletrack, but there is one 12″ish tree across the trail between the flagline tie jct and vista butte turnoff.

      1. Bruce Bradshaw says:

        Second small tree across on the snowmobile stretch. It can be ridden around and ducked under by small riders. Tread surprisingly firm. Saw motorcycles which means might get loose soon.

    10. David Pilz says:

      Riding great from the sand wall up to the Vista Butte trail. Anyone know how it is between Dutchman and the turnoff to the single track?

    11. David Pilz says:

      Rode from Dutchman on 7/8, down the sand wall to recon roads for the HC 100. Anyone know what’s going on? Looks like some erosion control work on the sand wall (will make it super hard to ride up, impossible for most/many)? But also a bunch of trees and brush down (looks intentional) before you get to the single track heading up to Vista (coming from Dutchman) and also some brush down right at the underpass. I got the impression I was being encouraged not to ride the section. . .

    12. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Clear of deadfall! Couple snow drifts at the very end but they are rideable with a proper line choice. Call up your friends and start scheduling those Bachelor to town shuttles.

    13. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Cleared 4 smallish trees this afternoon but my 10″ folding saw was no match for the 2 footer around 1 mile from Dutchman TH. A few small snow patches for the first half mile coming from Dutchman. Also a young black bear ran out into the trail in front of me on my way back. It ducked off into the trees and I floored it back hoping there wasn’t a momma bear following. If only Strava had been on it would have been a PR for sure

    14. Adrian Jones says:

      Very dusty and loose for the first few miles when traveling from Vista Butte to Dutchman. Better riding closer to Dutchman. Hopefully the rain next week will help.

    15. Evan Smith says:

      The tree near the underpass is cleared.

    16. Eric Kutter says:

      As David says, the single track from the double track up to the Ridge Loop trail is clear of dead fall and snow but the water rut is worse than ever. Also rode up the double track from the hwy underpass (not officially part of this trail). That section of double track is generally in great shape but one big tree across the steepest part shortly after the underpass.

    17. David Pilz says:

      I rode the single track section on 6/18. It’s clear of snow and trees but has obviously seen some serious recent runoff as it is basically one big rut in the middle. I also rode maybe .5-.75 miles toward Dutchman and did not encounter any snow but turned around after a few large downed trees.

    18. Zach Blickman says:

      About 13 trees down, mainly on the road section, several snowy patches but passable if you are determined.

    19. Dustin Balderach says:

      All clear but even up this high its very dusty and sandy. lots of sand. But a fun connection while flagline is closed.

    20. Rich Ray says:

      Swampy Dutchman trail is all clear now.

    21. Alex Marganski says:

      rode sand hill to ridge loop and there was about 20 trees down

    22. Matt E says:

      Huge deep snow drifts for roughly 4 miles in towards Metoluis with lots of deadfall. Impossible to keep on trail without GPS. Give this area a couple weeks.

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