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Ridge Loop Trail

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2.5 miles
582' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Ridge Loop

Ridge Loop connects the Swampy Lakes Sno Park to the junction of the Flagline Tie and the Swampy/Dutchman connector (where you can access a great photo opportunity at Vista Butte).

The trail is often used as part of a fun, high-country loop ride from Swampy Sno Park. Like other trails in the area, Ridge Loop is really prone to winter deadfall — so early season rides often mean climbing over or around lots of trees. Check out our post about clearing deadfall if you’re handy with a saw and want to help keep the route clear.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Don Leet says:

      Most of Swampy area is clear. Not much snow left

    2. Emily Cocks says:

      Ran clockwise. One down tree exactly one mile in. Nothing else.

    3. Natalie Herse says:

      Made it up 1 mile before giving up due to numerous hike a bike snowfields. Probably a couple weeks yet?

    4. Alex Sandrow says:

      Can someone point out to me the “fun, high-country loop”, from swampy that the description mentions..


      1. BendTrails says:

        this loop. https://bendtrails.org/trail/northfork-southfork-loop/ but start at swampy instead of Skyliners. Note the loops as shown is closed currently as Middle flagline is closed for elk calving till mid August.

      2. BendTrails says:

        There’s no specific loop per se… but Ridge Trail to Flagline Tie to Lower Flagline back to Swampy Sno Park is a good one. Once Middle Flagline Opens (Aug. 15) you can take Swampy/Dutchman up to Middle Flagline and back down for a bigger loop option.

        1. Bruce Bradshaw says:

          You aren’t naming the trails correctly from their original ski trail designations. Ridge Loop doesn’t connect to Flagline Tie. It meets the Butte Trail then descends to the Swampy Loop. See: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd533720.pdf

        2. Bruce Bradshaw says:

          As you already mentioned, you could drop the skier’s Ridge Loop and include this segment as part of the Swampy-Dutchman trail which is the USFS designation.

    5. apurtzer says:

      About 3/4 mi up, snow patches begin. About 2.4 mi up, snow becomes deep and unable to pass. Didn’t quite make it to the Flagline Tie section.

    6. Don Leet says:

      As if Oct 14 the trail is clear of trees. It had over 30 trees down after the big wind storm

    7. Eric Kutter says:

      Just a couple of tiny snow patches that will likely be gone before anyone reads this.

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Any deadfall? Specifically interested if there was any new stuff below the cutoff because prior to the storm it had been clear. Thx

        1. Eric Kutter says:

          Nope, nothing on ridge loop. I think I mentioned one on Vista Butte and a couple on Lower Flagline. Still could be something on Flagline Tie under the snow but it’d be minimal.

    8. Natalie Herse says:

      Freeze thaw mud and patches of frozen snow/ice (all rideable) just for a few hundred yards towards the top near Flagline Tie to the start of Vista Butte trail. Otherwise perfect down to Swampy Snopark. Two small trees down between Flagline tie and Vista intersection.

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Thanks for report on trees. Going by Bendtrails descriptions the section between Flag Tie and Vista is considered to be part of Swampy/Dutchman connector

        1. BendTrails says:

          strange factoid: did you all realize that ridge loop is the ski trail name and that the actual trail is swampy dutchman from Ducthman all the way to swampy? :)

      2. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Cleared this morning.

    9. Zach Blickman says:

      18″ tree across the trail about 1/4 mile below the Flagline tie jct

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        All clear. Thanks for the report

    10. Eric Kutter says:

      No dead fall and only 2′ of snow that’ll be gone by this afternoon.

    11. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Talked to someone on the trail that said there were about 12 trees down in this section.

      1. Erika Schmid says:

        I ran this trail on Nov. 6th and there were over 12 trees down across trail. No big or complicated deadfall just more trees than I would want to carry my bike over.

      2. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Went out to clear these but they were already taken out. Thanks gnomes!

    12. Zach Blickman says:

      6″-8″ tree down after the first climb out of swampy sno park. Trails are perfect!

    13. Natalie Herse says:

      3-5″ new snow from Swampy to Flagline tie. Perfect for the fatbike. Starting to congeal and melt by the end of my ride with standing water near Swampy snopark.

    14. Jay Marsh says:

      Clear of deadfall and snow, go get some!

    15. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Cleared of deadfall this afternoon. No snow or puddles. Riding great!

    16. Nat Chotechuang says:

      All clear. It’s a little sandy in spots but no worse than mid-season in any typical year.

    17. Eric Kutter says:

      Rode up there today. At least 1/3 of the snow that was on Ridge Loop yesterday was gone today.

    18. Eric Kutter says:

      Only about 50 yards worth of snow shortly before you get to Flagline Tie (coming from Swampy). But there is one downed tree about .25mi from Flagline Tie.

    19. David Pilz says:

      Lot’s of snow patches still, some small and rideable but plenty that will force most people off the bike.

    20. Elliott Elster says:

      Snow gets pretty deep about two thirds of the way to flagline tie. The tie is still covered with snow and flagline to swampy is patchy at best. Lots of hiking here.

    21. Joel Blatt says:

      From Swampy TH, Ridge is riding well and no deadfall. You can continue up Vista Butte, which is also clear of deadfall, but deadfall immediately greets you towards Swampy/Dutchman or Flagline Tie.

    22. Nat Chotechuang says:

      Lots of deadfall uphill after the intersection of Ridge trail and Butte trail, however you can take that unmapped right to drop down to the Swampy loop unimpeded.

    23. Joe Myers says:

      Trail closure has been lifted as of today. Thanks FS! Gary Reynolds has been active logging out deadfall, but I don’t believe this is clear as of yet.

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