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Upper Whoops Trail

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2.1 miles
685' ↑

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Trail Description

Upper Whoops is a two way trail. Stay alert for climbers and be ready to yield — especially in the twisty parts with limited sight-lines. Climbers should also use caution — descenders will be going very fast. It has recently become popular for locals to use the adjacent forest road as the 'up-route' — it’s an easy, steady climb which avoids the downhill traffic (see tan path on the map above).

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Upper Whoops

Upper Whoops runs from the intersection of Lower Whoops, Phil’s trail, Skyliners, Pinedrops and Rd 310 up to the Shooting Star shelter and the start of Sector 16.

The climb can be a little brutal depending on how far down in Phil’s you started. This trail can also get pretty blown out on the lower sections as the steep terrain makes for some speedy downhill action.

While Upper Whoops is a two way trail, when you’re climbing keep your ear buds out and pay attention for downhill riders — they are naturally going to be moving very fast.

Upper Whoops was was created by Jeff Frissell and is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Barney Gill says:

      Rode yesterday afternoon. LOTS of braking bumps and blown out dust. Still fun!

    2. Gary Meyer says:

      Tree has been cleared

    3. Big Fatty says:

      Down tree now clear – thanks Tim and Dan

    4. John Scott says:

      Wow!! Just wow!! Conditions were absolutely perfect today. Hard tack damp fast and clean!

    5. Ben McLeod says:

      Good to go!

    6. Peter Sussmann says:

      Butterfly Butte and Upper Whoops good to go. a few down trees on the climb – nothing but a few fun patches of snow on the descent. The tread was as good as it gets after yesterday’s thunderstorm…

    7. Eric Colton says:

      I ran up switchback city on 5/17 and it was almost entirely clear of snow. I believe upper whoops would be similar.

    8. Hit the snow line today less than 1 mile from the Skyliners junction. Needs a little more time.

    9. Jason Caron says:

      Riding well, but dang, those brake bumps will swallow a small bike! Hold on tight!

      1. Don Leet says:

        Trail is as smooth as I’ve ever seen it, there was a tree down but now it’s gone.

    10. Chad Ash says:

      Small tree across the trail about 100 – 200 yards above the NF-300 road. Didn’t have my saw in my bag or I would have cleared it.

      1. BendTrails says:

        Don just cleared 2 trees on upper whoops.

    11. Alex Anderson says:

      2 trees down about 3/4 mile from the bottom of the trail. One is half blocking the trail and the other is just below that one. Both are big enough to need either a Katanaboy or a chainsaw. Location 44.022289, -121.503064

    12. Cog Wild says:

      Upper Whoops and road 4615 are clear of snow, a few trees down on the trail that should get cleared very soon

    13. Dustin Balderach says:

      All clear. Riding well! A few pine needles but they are getting broken up quickly. No bears today.

    14. Natalie Herse says:

      Just a heads up: I spooked a large bear towards the bottom of Upper Whoops around 2 pm. He was hauling down the trail while I followed (from a safe distance) behind. It was awesome to watch how he ran around the banked turns ahead of me. It went on for nearly a 1/4 mile before he veered off. Sure wish I had a GoPro. Probably one of the coolest wildlife encounters I ever had. I was both mesmerized and terrified and just thankful he didn’t turn around and run back up the trail towards me! I was still shaking when I got to the Bench…

    15. BendTrails says:

      Report from Facebook: 5 trees down. Two biggest are 10-12 inches in diameter. Big snow patches still in many places.

    16. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      Sand in places, but not bad if you check your speed.

      1. Joshua Colvin says:

        Clear from top to bottom

    17. Brett Farrell says:

      Riding well with the exception of a few snow patches in the trees about halfway up.

    18. Jay Marsh says:

      Grippy, flowy goodness! Should only improve with tonight moisture.

    19. Jon Conway says:

      Clear and riding well all the way to the shelter.

    20. Tristan S says:

      Took a look – Trail is in great shape for about a half mile up from the bottom, where the snow sets in. Needs a bit more time

    21. Grippy, compacted snow up to Road 4615 (300 on the map). Looked good beyond that, but I turned around at the road junction.

    22. Adrian Jones says:

      There is a small/medium sized tree just beyond the log hop at the top that is laying across the trail. There is also a 12 inch diameter tree near the top of the fireroad that goes to the Shooting Star shelter. The trail is a mix of hero dirt and pine needles.

    23. Ryan Pedersen says:

      All trees are now cleared. Flow on my friends

    24. Joey Doll says:

      Two trees down about halfway up, maybe 6″ in diameter. Otherwise riding well.

    25. Andrew Matthews says:

      Upper Whoops is 99% clear of snow with 3 smallish patches about half way up which are easy to push through. They will likely be gone quickly given the temperature. The trail was in good condition other than one very sandy corner…

    26. Dave Custer says:

      Climbed the road to Shooting Star Shelter but turned back on the last 1/2mile due to snow. Dropped into Upper Whoops at the quarry rd (NF300/NF4615). Had to hike some snow patches on the first mile, but the second half to the bench is all clear. Shouldnt be long now with this weeks heat!

    27. Grace Ogawa says:

      Rode down from 300 road on May 7. Patches of packed snow and dry trail, with according muddy spots. About 50/50 riding/walking with regular tires. Should be mostly doable on a fat bike.

      1. Doug Schofhauser says:

        Early this am, I rode in from Meissner on a semi snow-packed road and caught Upper Whoops right after the Sector 16 intersection. Took it the full way down to the bench. Quite a few snow patches but rideable while still frozen and a couple trees down. Sweet dirt in bits and pieces in the top half and clear, great riding in the lower half!

    28. Joe Myers says:

      Rode up to the road today from the bench. One rider had come from the road all the way down which sort of helped. It was nice down lower but once in a bit it gets deeper and deeper and harder to ride. It’s consistently about 10″ or more around half way to road and in some places (no tree cover) 50% deeper. With the amount of walking we did and the depth of the snow it’s pretty brutal and I’m not sure our line is all that follow-able.

    29. Colin Mcvey says:

      Great on a fatbike, rode it up and down 2 of the last 3 days. Currently 2-6″ over hard pack. Too deep for skinny tires.

    30. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      No deadfall.

    31. Jason Gockel says:

      Tree down about halfway. Right in the area where there seems to have been many deadfall in the past

    32. Dustin Balderach says:

      no trees down just a little dry

    33. Kerry Witterschein says:

      Completely snow free and cleared from the deadfall to the shooting star shelter. Trail is beautiful right now! Perfection. Go!

    34. CJ Myrick says:

      Several small snow fields and a few downed trees. Most of the trees have been cleared, but there are still a few smaller ones that are leaning over the trail making for low clearance.

      1. CJ Myrick says:

        Forgot to add, if you go up FS 4615, you’re mostly clear up to about FS310, then you start hitting some snow fields. Many you can ride around but there are few you might need to walk.

    35. Aaron Altier says:

      I rode up and cleared the first two downed trees, but before I could ride much further I encountered a large field of snow.

    36. Natalie Herse says:

      Made it up Upper Whoops about 1/4 mile before we turned around. Probably could have gone farther but the snow patches got closer together and a few trees were down.

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