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Twins Trail

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6.4 miles
1592' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Twins

Beginning at Forest Road 5897, the Twins Trail begins a gradual ascent toward the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail #2000, which is reached in less than 2 miles. After crossing the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, it begins to climb more steeply and heads east around the south side of Twins Peak. This trail takes the hiker through a dry mountain hemlock and lodgepole pine forest with areas of exposed rock and boulders.

After a scramble through pumice soils, the top of Twins Peak is reached for a spectacular view of the Waldo Lake area and including the Three Sisters and Diamond Peak. The trail continues on northward toward Found Lake and Gerdine Butte, but is sometimes difficult to locate. Upon reaching the forest boundary the trail number changes to #19, a Deschutes National Forest designation.

Trail description from the US Forest Service website.

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    1. Ed Willson says:

      Twins Tr clear on 8/3

    2. Jeremy Brodhead says:

      I tried to ride to this from little cultus but too many trees down on the end of met win.

    3. Ed Willson says:

      cleared on 7/10/22, Waldo Ultras.

    4. BendTrails says:

      Couple trees down – but don’t know where. Please note IFPL level before using your gas ax. Waldo Ultra crew is camping out the weekend on July 16th and will be tackling a lot of these trails.

    5. Brian Thomas Coop says:

      There were only a couple trees down on the south side of the trail and I don’t recall any on the north side.

    6. BendTrails says:

      12-15 trees reported down. thanks Olivia.

    7. BendTrails says:

      entire trail now clear. Thanks Don

    8. BendTrails says:

      west side of trail should be clear per waldo 100 crew.

    9. J.J. Johnston says:

      No snow. Two trees across trail both easy to get over/around. Mosquitoes were pretty intense. Even on the summit in a steady wind.

    10. David Caplan says:

      A few small snow patches left on the north side but they will be gone soon.

    11. Zach Blickman says:

      Rode up north side from Little Cultus — snow patches started around 6600′ Turned back just short of final switchback before the saddle. Otherwise, great!

    12. Tim Maddux says:

      All clear. Riding great.

    13. Ed Willson says:

      Waldo Ultras crew scheduled to clear this trail on 7/21.

      1. Joe Myers says:

        for what it’s worth: Jeremy cleared with a hand saw from the 5897 rd up to the top. Back side is unknown.

    14. Tim Maddux says:

      Riding well confirmed today. Same for connector trails down to Waldo Lake.

    15. Joe Myers says:

      Waldo 100k/PCTA has been up to clear this but not sure of current status. Changing to riding well anyhow.

    16. David Caplan says:

      1 tree down on the north side, about 2/3rds of the way down. Be careful if you are hauling ass downhill… which is also a good idea because there could be riders climbing up that side.

    17. Joe Myers says:

      clear of deadfall as of yesterday. Saw the crew working on it from PCTA and Waldo 100. Awesome! Still large snow patches on the North slope but still a great ride. Mosquitos are bad this year. Keep moving!

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