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Metolius-Windigo (99 Lower) Trail

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9.8 miles
2746' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Metolius-Windigo (99 Lower)

The Metolius-Windigo trail is over 100 miles long and begins in the north at the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness and runs all the way south to Windigo Pass near Crescent Lake. To minimize confusion the “Met-Win” trail — as it’s often called — is broken into distinct segments each with its own character.

The segment on this page runs for about 10 miles between Three Creeks Meadow and the trails of Peterson Ridge.

The Metolius-Windigo gets a lot of use by horses and can be quite sandy — especially in late summer. This segment is almost all downhill with an elevation loss of 2764′. Most mountain bikers will ride it as a shuttle in this downhill direction.

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    1. Arthur Turlak says:

      Clear of snow and deadfall. Already getting dusty.

    2. Arthur Turlak says:

      Trevor Hostetler and I logged out a bunch today. Lower ~5.5 miles above the Rd 1514 quarry are logged out. Patchy snow once you get ~4 miles above the quarry and up.

    3. Arthur Turlak says:

      Lower 2 miles (above Rd 1514) are snow-free and clear of deadfall. Patchy snow and unknown deadfall above that.

    4. Natalie Herse says:

      All clear of trees from our start (at the Park Meadow TH) to the end. Flowers along Snow creek are delightful. Needs rain badly but always a great ride nonetheless.

    5. super dude says:

      From Mrazek to Three Creeks is great. From Three Creeks Meadow towards Sisters there’s lots of downed trees, at least 10 in the first 1/2 mile. 3 Creeks Road is currently closed (at the Sno-Park)for construction/road crews.

    6. Steven Powers says:

      FS16 is closed at upper Three Creeks snow park. Access Trail 99 from the cross country ski tail ride up peak view, then warrens loop to the west.

    7. Arthur Turlak says:

      Latest report is that this is now logged out from Park Meadow TH down to Rd 1514. One tree down just after the last road crossing (between Rd 1516 and Rd 1514).
      Still brushy.
      Rd 16 is closed to all traffic by USFS for roadwork at the winter closure point at the upper 3 creeks snow park.

    8. Trevor Hostetler says:

      Cleared over 75 trees the past 2 weekends. Trail is clear from old Quarry (off FS Road 1514) to about 6.5 miles up. No snow. Road up to Three Creek Lake remains closed – likely into late July.

    9. Jason Caron says:

      Lots of sections that are almost fully overgrown by snowbrush. By this time next year, expect sections of the trail to be fully engulfed and impenetrable unless brushed out.

    10. Arthur Turlak says:

      Those two 12″ trees are still down. They are within 50′ of each other in the upper burn area.

    11. Natalie Herse says:

      Two 12” trees down close to the start otherwise all clear and no snow. Epic moist conditions, go get it before it turns to sand.

    12. Trevor Hostetler says:

      Cleared all trees from old quarry to Park Meadows TH this weekend. A few longer (50-100meters) snow patches remain. FYI: Road still closed at the upper sno park.

    13. BendTrails says:

      Cleared a lot of logs today with a crew of 6. All clear. Started out 20 degrees and frozen and was getting a big greasy by afternoon in the sunshine. No mud.

    14. Natalie Herse says:

      We started at Three Creeks Lake and rode the connector trail down to Park Meadow and beyond. Someone cut out the trees on the first two miles of the connector trail but the last quarter mile before the Park Meadow intersection still has about thirty 6-12” trees down. After that is smooth sailing. Thanks COTA sawyers!

    15. Gary Meyer says:

      The trail is clear of deadfall Park Meadow TH to Peterson Ridge Tie.
      COTA team cleared it.
      No snow except what was falling on us.

    16. fallguy99 says:

      If no one is going to address the insane amount of deadfall on this trail, it should just be officially closed. There has to be over 80 trees down across the trail. Carried my bike more than I rode it. There’s almost so much deadfall now I don’t even know if it’s beyond cleanup or not. Would take months to do I imagine.

      1. BendTrails says:

        Try and be patient. It will get clear. A sawyer can clear that in a couple hours I am guessing.

        1. Ian Buckley says:

          Yeah, I’ll be up there to cut out the new wood from this winter once the snow is gone. It was almost entirely clear at the start of winter.

    17. Jim W says:

      Got out there one last time right before the storm a couple days ago, the storm chased us the whole time but never quite got us. Conditions were all-time, even saw a double-rainbow (there were probably unicorns and fairies out too though we didn’t see any). Cut out a bit more of the remaining deadfall. Might have been the last rideable day there, probably has snow now…

    18. Ian Buckley says:

      I cut out about half the deadfall in the Alpine zone today. About 75% of what I left has a bypass of some sort for now but needs dealing with. There’s also some deadfall lower down in the Manzanita zone that needs attention

      1. Jim W says:

        Thanks for doing that! Just rode it yesterday and it’s soooo much better (fantastic condition now, get it while ya can!). I cut out a couple smaller ones near the end of the Manzanita section. Now there’s really only a handful of dismounts required.

    19. Jim W says:

      Can confirm there are approximately 1.3 bazillion trees down. :) They are almost all in the first couple miles though, once you make it through all that and get to the intersection where it turns right and the real fun beings, there are only a handful (OK maybe a couple handfuls) of remaining trees down along the entire rest of the trail.

    20. Richard Sutter says:

      More than 30, lost count. 50+ trees down. Most require dismount.

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