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Summit Trail

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2.3 miles
988' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Summit

The Summit Trail is a newer trail on the back side of Smith Rock State Park which connects Wolf Tree, Burma Road and the River Trail into a large loop. Most often ridden from Burma Road down to the River Trail — it has quite a few low speed switchbacks that will test your bike handling skills.

Part of the trail passes through private property so please stay on the trail and show some Trail Love!

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    Recent Reports

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    1. Miguel Montaña says:

      Riding perfect. A few puddles along the river trail.

      1. Don Leet says:

        Summit Trail is excellent this November. I rode past Burma Rd all the way to Gray Butte. No mud if you leave early. There are patches of very packed and rideable snow.

    2. Miguel Montaña says:

      There are a few shaded sections with enough mud to splatter your bike and clothes. But they aren’t very deep nor long. The trail is in great shape overall.

    3. Natalie Herse says:


    4. David Caplan says:

      real good conditions

    5. Kurt Fisk says:

      Trail is riding well!
      A couple of spots where there’s a bit of snow on the side of the trail making for some thin lines.

    6. Brian Coop says:

      Super fun as the switchback were just a little pebbley and it was easy to get the rear end a little loose.

    7. Natalie Herse says:

      Perfect, no dust, great tread, lots of flowers. Watch for rattlesnakes though…

    8. Jeff Johnston says:

      Riding great on 3/19, no snow or mud at all. Love all the switchbacks!

    9. Brandon Crummett says:

      All hard pack/hero dirt/frozen ground on the climb up… Only one part was hike a bike due to un-ridable snow. Otherwise the trail was awesome today…

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