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Storm King » Upper Trail

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4.0 miles
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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Storm King » Upper

The top of Upper Storm King connects with the back side of Helipad at the summit  and crosses Century Drive 1/4 mile west of the “Green Gate” Trailhead at the “bottom.” The trail becomes Lower Storm King on the South side of Century Dr. The top of both Grand Slam and C.O.D. intersect Upper Storm King.

Storm King was named in honor of the Prineville Hotshots who lost their lives on Storm King Mountain in Colorado in 1994. The trail was built by Leighton White.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Barney Gill says:

      Sandy and loose on ride yesterday where I did the top half. Still enjoyable but pretty soft.

    2. Geoff Thilo says:

      Heavy snow from the Grand Slam Junction north to Heli Pad. It’s pretty much unrideable. There is some patchy snow south of the junction.

    3. Nathan Weisz says:

      Storm King from COD to Grand Slam is clear of snow. Conditions above Grand Slam unknown

    4. BendTrails says:

      Upper Storm King from COD is patchy snow/hike-a-bike with long sections of dry trail to Grand Slam. The closer you get to Grand Slam the more snow there is (see pics). USK from COD to Grand Slam should be pretty close to completely ride-able after this warm weekend. – per john stark

    5. BendTrails says:

      Per USFS: Upper Storm King is closed between Phil’s (Helipad) junction and Cascade Lakes Highway for logging and mastication work 24/7. Please avoid this area.

    6. Grace Ogawa says:

      Riding by on Dec 1, noticed the FS has added new signage to the junction with Helipad/Phils. It indicates that Storm King between Helipad/Phils and Grand Slam is now closed 7 Days A Week. But they have lifted the closure on Helipad/Phils and Pine Drops.

    7. Truett Shilling says:

      Rode upper Storm King to Upper Grand Slam today. Amazing dirt and all clear. Go now. Don’t wait!

    8. Dustin Balderach says:

      All clear from the top and riding great. Get some!

    9. BendTrails says:

      All clear top to bottom. (2) 5′ patches of snow you can ride through.

    10. Dustin Balderach says:

      Dry and snow free from Grand Slam / Storm King intersection all the way down Storm King. Didn’t venture higher up.

    11. Tristan S says:

      Rode from the intersection with grand slam to COD. 6-7 firm, rideable snowy bits. Otherwise prime condition.

    12. Jimmy Thefly says:

      Riding great. The section from Heli Pad to Grand Slam totally clear of downfall. (did not ride the whole trail).

    13. BendTrails says:

      Temporary USFS closure starting Monday June 8th. Monday through Friday. See the trail page for a map and details.

      1. BendTrails says:

        The mastication work has been completed on Upper Storm King and the closure has been lifted. Signs will be coming down today.

    14. Mike Schmeiske says:

      Two trees down within 3/4 mile heading north from the highway.

    15. Brian Jones says:

      Cleared deadfall yesterday on Upper SK. All good top to bottom.

    16. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Cleared 3 trees below Grand Slam. Tread is a mixture of ice/mud/slush/dry dirt. Proceed with caution

    17. Tim Maddux says:

      All clear from bottom to top as of 5/10. Riding fine.

    18. Gary Meyer says:

      Cleared 3 on Storm King.
      One of which people have been riding around long enough to start wearing in a new tread. This was above 4615

    19. Alex Anderson says:

      Cleared the deadfall just below Grand Slam junction

    20. Don Leet says:

      Storm King is clear of snow from COD to Grand Slam. There is a tree down. Im not sure of it’s closure status though. The way I went I saw no closure signs, but at the welcome centre there was a weekday closure warning. There was no activity, though I saw a machine sitting near Grand Slam.

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Tree is still down. 6-7 inches where it crosses the trail

    21. Joe Myers says:

      A snow trail at this point as of today. Fat bikes might be an option. It’s not super deep, but it’s consistent.

    22. Joey Doll says:

      Still partially closed M-F.

      Highly recommend bookmarking this page to check status: https://www.fs.fed.us/r6/webmaps/deschutes/west-bend/public-information

    23. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      A few puddles higher up.

    24. Joe Myers says:

      Trail is closed around the Grand Slam intersection starting monday Aug 27th monday – friday.

    25. John Scott says:

      Fantastic shape. A few sharp turns blown out but riding well.

    26. Jay Marsh says:

      Sweet new reroute to Cascade Lakes Hwy crossing (below the green gate) is in and great!

    27. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Went out to clear the reported deadfall but it was already gone. All systems go

    28. Zach Blickman says:

      Just a couple of soggy spots, but no more mud. Three trees down above GS jct.

    29. Joe Myers says:

      Tree reported down at Upper SK right after the “big downhill”

    30. Eric Smith says:

      From century drive up to grand slam just a couple of snow patches , with only a few muddy sections .

    31. Patrecia Hedges says:

      So fun on the fatty today!! Maybe an inch of snow down by the hwy; 3-4 inches up by the bench. Powdery goodness! All the W/SW trails are good for fatbiking at the moment – Ticket to Ride, COD, GS, SK.

    32. Great ride today on fatbikes. Firm, packed snow with traction for days. Grandslam was also awesome.

    33. Jay Marsh says:

      Wonderful, firm & crusty trail conditions mid-day, after freezing overnight temps. May soften in the afternoon, but riding perfectly!

    34. Patrecia Hedges says:

      Really good on the fatbike today! From green gate to the bench, about 85-90% of the trail is covered in half to an inch of soft snow, with a solid base. A little more at the top near Phil’s. Just a few bare patches.

    35. Dustin Balderach says:

      All dry, no mud, just tacky goodness. There are about 3 blown downs (I think) between Phils and Century. You can ride around all of them and they shouldn’t deter anyone from riding. Super good today!

    36. Patrecia Hedges says:

      Clear head to toe.

    37. Eric Kutter says:

      As Rob says, still a couple of un-ridable snow patches just before GS. Also 4 small trees across one of the snow sections.

    38. Rob Landauer says:

      4- 6 patches of snow between COD and GS. 2-3 are rideable

    39. Tristan S says:

      “Rode” Grand Slam > COD on Storm King today. Lots of snow still.

    40. Patrecia Hedges says:

      Parked at green gate, rode up to the bench & back on the fatty. Trail was 95% snow, well packed by previous riders. (Thanks!) Very fun on the fatbike!

    41. Patrecia Hedges says:

      Two downed trees within 1/2 mile above GS.

    42. Joel Blatt says:

      Upper Storm King has two instances of deadfall. The first is maybe half a mile from top and easily could be cut with saw. The second is more substantial and will require chainsaw; located about 1 mile from top. There are some puddles, but not crazy wet, as of today. Otherwise, riding well.

    43. Joel Blatt says:

      Upper Storm King (about the middle) has one fallen tree, but easy to get around. Otherwise, riding well.

    44. CJ Myrick says:

      Riding well from the Bench to the Green Gate.

    45. Justin Cook says:

      Clear of blowdown up to the Phils trail intersection.

    46. Carrie Day says:

      Rode from helipad to cascade lakes highway and several down trees but mostly can be ridden around. lower storm king perfect conditions to 41 road

    47. Mike Schmeiske says:

      Rode from Green Gate today to the top of Lower Whoops. Riding was pretty good, but a fair amount of blowdown and still patches of snow and mud. Keep that in mind if going out.

    48. Jay Marsh says:

      Ridden 4/3 between COD and Grand Slam. Wonderful conditions with a few snow patches to hike thru, but they should melt out quickly this week.

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