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Steve Larsen Trail

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2.5 miles
283' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Steve Larsen

Steve Larsen Trail is a two and a half mile connector from Tiddlywinks to Tyler’s Traverse within the Wanoga Trail Complex. The trail starts on the North end at Tiddly with some flowy berms and rock obstacles. There’s even a large boulder about shoulder height you can ride up and over in both directions. After the initial fun, the trail is fairly gentle and as it meanders it’s way toward Tyler’s.

The trail and the trailhead at Wanoga Sno Park are both named in honor of Bend athlete Steve Larsen.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Grace Ogawa says:

      Lots of puddles as of 11/10, with increasing spots of snow towards the S end. Enough that on a slushy day you’ll be hiking up.

    2. Big Fatty says:

      Closed due to Fire.

    3. Big Fatty says:

      Snow gone

    4. Big Fatty says:

      trees cleared by Don, Glenn. Small snow left near tyler’s

    5. Clark Ritchie says:

      There are 2 downed trees before the intersection with Tyler’s, and multiple snow patches. It is definitely not ready to ride just yet.

    6. Barney Gill says:

      Rode both directions yesterday, and dirt is amazing!

    7. Big Fatty says:

      Several trees down – have photos. Snow starts about half way and gets 1-2’ deep. Needs a couple weeks

    8. Dustin Balderach says:

      Riding great! No deadfall – thanks – and no snow.

    9. Natalie Herse says:

      Great riding from the Tiddly intersection until halfway when the snow becomes too much. We bailed onto the FS road to continue to Tyler’s, which also had snow but much easier riding than the trail. Will need a few more weeks to melt out.

    10. BendTrails says:

      Deadfall was cleared yesterday. About 10 trees.

    11. Will Swales says:

      Storm King > Tiddly Winks > Larsen’s > Tylers > Catch & Release. Such a great loop with a bit of everything. Everything’s riding great right now!

    12. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Made it to Tyler’s but still some hike a bike snow patches. Deadfall all cleared.

    13. Jeremiah French says:

      I cleared 5 trees from Larsen’s. From Tiddly, I got about half way to Tyler’s. There are probably more trees further towards Tyler’s.

    14. Brett Farrell says:

      Larsen’s is a mixed bag right now with lots of deadfall and snow drifts. Trail is dry and free of snow until about the halfway point (riding from Tiddly), where many of the drifts become large and unrideable. Most of the deadfall is 10″+ in diameter and would be tough to clear without a chainsaw.

    15. Four of us broke trail from Twinks to the Tyler’s Junction. About 4 or 5 trees down but all easy to go around or over. Larsen’s is a great fatbike trail, it will be cool if we can keep it open and packed down.

    16. Joe Myers says:

      2 leaners on larsens now clear.

    17. Joe Myers says:

      Bruce cleared tree. thanks Bruce

    18. Ray Gauthier says:

      A 10″ tree is down about 1 1/4 miles from TWinks.

    19. Ryan Pedersen says:

      100% A-Ok.

    20. Clarence Perry says:

      Deadfall cleared.

    21. Natalie Herse says:

      Hero dirt except for a couple of small melting snow patches/standing water. Looks like some recent logging done but still a few smaller trees down (pretty much 6-8” diameter) with a few big trees leaning but not in the way. Handsaw would probably be fine but maybe a chainsaw to tackle the nearby big kahunas on lower Tylers since you are already up there.

    22. Derek Manwill says:

      Riding nice on the fat bike! 3-6″ of powder on top of packed snow. I cleared 4 trees, but 2 larger ones remain.

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Deadfall cleared #thetrailmustflow

        1. Derek Manwill says:

          What do you use to clear the bigger trees?

          1. Ryan Pedersen says:

            Silky Katana Boy on loan from Joe Myers. That saw is a beast!

    23. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Finally cleared that big tree near the Tiddly intersection. There was a serviceable ride around in place but that sweet rock kicker on the other side was just too nice to abandon

    24. Jay Marsh says:

      1″ of snow over firm, frozen trail. Three sets of tracks; 1 regular, 1 plus bike and 1 fatbike. Go make your own!

    25. Jay Marsh says:

      A medium tree down across the trail at about the mid-point. Otherwise, wonderful, firm & crusty trail conditions mid-day, after freezing overnight temps. May soften in the afternoon, but riding perfectly!

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:


    26. Roger Everett says:

      Larsen has two trees down, but they aren’t in crucial areas or hard to ride around. Riding well, really.

      1. Ryan Pedersen says:

        Tree near Tiddly intersection has a pretty easy ride around. It’s decent sized 12-15in (ie good challenge for folding saw). Someone must have cleared the other one

    27. Paul Butcher says:

      Several trees down, likely from the recent wind. Easy enough to climb over.

    28. Ryan Pedersen says:

      All clear. Getcha some!!!

    29. Tom Ponte says:

      Like Bill says the trail is clear of snow and downed trees all the way to Kiwa Springs. The pine cones politely moved off the trail since then. There is surprisingly a lot of snow all of a sudden just past the springs and down Tylers a quarter mile but you can ride through most of it. There are a couple of tree portages in that section from the springs but not too bad.

    30. Bill Hartrich says:

      Deadfall is cleared out from Tiddlywinks to Kiwa Springs. Still a few dozen patches of snow and a few thousand pine cones, but getting close.

    31. Peter Fox says:

      A long walk through snow on the Tylers end. Lots of trees down across the trail.

    32. Brian Frankle says:

      Larsen is in great shape, a few puddles. A bit of snow.

      1. Natalie Herse says:

        Thank you!…I had a great ride on hero dirt…

    33. Joel Blatt says:

      About 1/2 mile off Tiddlywinks there is one fallen tree blocking trail. It is small and easy to bypass. Blockage is recent; two days ago was riding well.

    34. Dustin Balderach says:

      Larsen’s riding great as of Friday (22 July). No blowdowns.

    35. Joe Myers says:

      Clear of trees and snow until literally the intersection of tylers.

    36. Nat Chotechuang says:

      Clear of snow until the last 1/4 mile or so before Tyler’s, then it’s hike-a-bike down Tyler’s for another 1/4 mile or so before the snow clears.

    37. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      It’s best to take Kiwa Sprs road at the last crossing if connecting to Tyler’s. Still a fair amount of snow after that point on both Larsen and Tyler’s. There’s also a big tree across Tyler’s between the junction with Larsen and the 100 road going down.

    38. Bill Hartrich says:

      Larsen now 100% clear of dead fall. 99% clear of snow. And 99.5% ready to rip.

    39. Bill Hartrich says:

      I cleared several large trees out. There are still 4-5 left. Snow just before the Tyler’s intersection.

    40. SK Johnson says:

      Rode SK/Larsens/Tylers/C&R yesterday(4/11) after work. Mistake. Larsens is clear for maybe the first 1.5mi but after that numerous downed trees and lots of snow. Tylers is snowed in for 1mi or so below intersection with Larsens. After that it rode well. C&R was good, just needs to get more tires on it.

      1. Joe Myers says:

        Yeah my bad, see below. Sorry for the trouble!

        1. SK Johnson says:

          Still had fun, it was no trouble at all. Props to chainsaw crew for all the work they’ve been doing out there!

    41. Joe Myers says:

      Larsen cleared of deadfall. Thanks Bill Hartrich, Bill Nashem

      1. Bill Hartrich says:

        Larsen is NOT all cleared of deadfall. Unfortunately. My apologies, Joe, for the ambiguity of the COTA work log. I can see how my post would be interpreted that way.

        I appreciate the props though. We’ve been working like mad to clear it out!

        1. Joe Myers says:

          Thanks for the clarification Bill!

    42. Micah Vitoff says:

      The snow get worse the closer you get to Tylers

        1. David Welton says:

          I “rode” Larsens and Tyler’s yesterday and it was not a good idea: there is a ton of deadfall and quite a bit of snow as well.

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