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Peterson Ridge Trail

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16+ miles
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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Peterson Ridge

The Peterson Ridge Trails in Sisters were originally constructed in 1989 as a mountain bike trail network consisting of a combination of single-track and old forest service roads.

In 2008, a major expansion of the network increased the amount of single track to over 20 miles and included signage and trail markers to aid riders in navigation.

The trails are fairly level and mostly free of technical obstacles (although some lines do have rocks and roots to negotiate). On our map above highlights the “East” and “West” trails but there are many connector trails shown on the map as well.

The OBRA Sanctioned Sisters Stampede (Oregon’s largest XC mountainbike race) is held each May at Peterson Ridge.

The trail network is popular with Sisters’ residents and you can expect to encounter lots of walkers, runners, and dogs on the trails. There are also several Horse trails that interconnect into this system.

The Peterson Ridge Trails are maintained by Sisters Trails Alliance and you can find more information on this webpage.

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    1. Borge Endresen says:

      Upper half still too muddy to ride.

      1. gigiride says:

        Planning this for late June.
        Thinking about hiring a guide because of the distance.
        I’ve never been there and don’t want to get lost.
        Is the trail well marked and what is your opinion on needing a guide?
        Thank you!
        Gina from southern Oregon

        1. BendTrails says:

          I doubt anyone does guided tours of Peterson Ridge. It’s really not a hard place to navigate and the trails are well marked. The main map on BendTrails.org works with your phone’s GPS — so you can see where you are on the map in real time.

          1. gigiride says:

            Thank you.
            Is phone reception good on the trail?


    2. Jay Marsh says:

      All good below Double Ditch.

    3. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      Patches of mud beyond Double Ditch. Nothing that cannot be ridden through.

    4. Marty Dawson says:

      Rode up the West down the East. Very good conditions overall. Some muddy spots up high where frost is going out, but not deep. I think they will flatten and smooth out as they lose the water and people keep riding the center.

    5. Marty Dawson says:

      April 13. Rode up the west past first overlook, then up middle to wychus overlook parking and down the east. No snow, no mud. Very nice riding conditions right now.

    6. Barkin Aygun says:

      Top rung connector still had a small amount of snow and some muddy areas. PRT itself is pretty good.

    7. Brittany Simonis says:

      Surprised by how fast #PRT has dried out! We just rode the upper section and did not hit one section of mud.

      Other sections of the trail may still have mud- please respect the trails if so.

      As for the upper section, fantastic dirt conditions!

    8. John Ballard says:

      Saturday the 9th of March it started out well (for fat bikes) but then became narrow and post holed

    9. Joel Blatt says:

      Fat bike: fresh tracks and no ice or obstructions; solitude and serenity. Heading back there today.

    10. Joel Blatt says:

      Flows nicely; rock sections are not technical. No one out there, but an occasional hiker. No hunters!

    11. Scott Sichler says:

      A little dusty but still great.

    12. Marty Dawson says:

      rode from sisters up to a mile past the wychus creek park lot and back. riding well and no trees down on the loop we made.

    13. Marty Dawson says:

      May 5 up to Hello Kitty, very nice.

    14. Vlad S says:

      Great up to the overlook! Didn’t go beyond.

    15. Erik Santner says:

      Went for a little hike to check out conditions. Things look good up to the prt overlook! Above there use your best judgement…more than likely the west following the ridge will have muddy sections.

      1. Erik Santner says:

        Sorry, that’s up to turkey hollow connector.

    16. Erik Santner says:

      Sisters got 3″ of snow on Friday, March 23rd. Trails are snow covered and will need some time to clear up.

    17. Adam Tate says:

      All the trails below double ditch are mud free and ride-able . Just do some laps to get your miles.

    18. Miguel Montaña says:

      Muddy. Avoid.

    19. Brandon Crummett says:

      Was riding perfect today. Get it while the gettin’s good!

    20. Jay Marsh says:

      Hero Dirt! Absent any sub-freezing overnight lows, the few soft spots should be fine by the time you read this. Kudos to Blazing Saddles shop for providing up-to-the-minute conditions for the area. Happy Trails!

    21. Erik Santner says:

      Rode up PRT west to twist and shout connector, then down east. It’s still soupy in quite a few sections. The way back on the east was better, but still some soft sections. I was riding a 3″ tire…so that helped. Should be really good by the weekend!!

    22. Catherine Hayden says:

      Its way to muddy to be on the trails. The rain and freeze/thaw cycle are wreaking havoc. Please stay off the trails.

    23. Erik Santner says:

      Went out for a little hike to scope the conditions. Rutted/muddy mess.
      Too much moisture and freeze thaw.

    24. Colleen Sullivan says:

      Riding fantastic, a several soft sections where there has been a bit of freeze/thaw but no mud. Tacky and fast!

    25. Eric Kutter says:

      No mud or snow. Helped that it was 64 degrees. Best conditions I’ve seen on it.

    26. Erik Santner says:

      Dusty and loose in sections…plus size ready!

    27. Erik Santner says:

      Peterson Ridge is reopening tomorrow at 8am! We got word from STA today. All trails within the system east of 3 creeks road will be rideable. Trails west of 3 creeks road are still closed.

    28. Peterson Ridge and other Sisters Trails are closed due to the Milli Fire Incident.

      Other closures include:

      – Peterson Ridge Trail (all hiking/biking trails and connectors)
      – Peterson Ridge Tie Trail (overlook to quarry)
      – Peterson Ridge equestrian trails
      – Peterson Burn Trail
      – Metolius-Windigo equestrian trail
      – PRT-Met-Win Connector Trail
      – Whychus Creek Trail
      – Whychus Overlook Trail
      – Whychus Draw Trail
      – Elk Ranch Loop
      – Sisters High School – Crossroads Trail (SHS-SOUTH)
      – Jimerson Loop Horse Trail

    29. Brennan Morrow says:

      Starting to get Duffy. Sister stampede will buff the trail to a very fast trail for a bit.

    30. Patrecia Hedges says:

      Peterson Ridge Tie is now snow free, in good shape, with only 1 down tree at the bottom.

    31. Brennan Morrow says:

      Riding perfect

    32. Marty Dawson says:

      Rode up the East to Wychus Crk Overlook parking and back down the West. A little frost on top of ground above Twist and Shout, no problem, very nice conditions.

      1. Marty Dawson says:

        actually rode on the 2nd

    33. Erik Santner says:

      Super dooper out there today! Get some…

    34. Ricky Vimmerstedt says:

      Peterson Ridge Trails are riding perfectly! Nice and tacky, no mud and very smooth. I’ll be taking my Cycle Cross bike out tomorrow night and as a side note, stopped by Eurosports bike and ski shop and had some cold beer on tap and ate at one of the food carts on their lot. Sisters is a sweet little spot.

    35. Brittany Simonis says:

      Awesome ride yesterday!
      Maybe 3 or 4 small patches of snow on the west side towards upper parking lot. Zero snow down the east!! Overall great trail conditions. Happy first day of SPRING!

    36. Erik Santner says:

      I rode PRT today! Made it up to the turkey hollow connector (overlook). Rode prt east up and prt west down. There are somes small sections of snow (about a dozen over this 12 mile loop).

    37. Jeff Moore says:

      A few slick spots at the top of the loop yesterday otherwise excellent

    38. Erik Santner says:

      Some of the best conditions i’ve even ridden out there! Get out soon…..

    39. Erik Santner says:

      Riding perfectly!

    40. Heidi H-P says:

      Trails are deliciously damp and sticky sweet. To my chagrin however, I discovered that the forest service has now closed the Whychus creek lookout to bikes and also closed the old access road. A sign has been posted that bikes will ruin the new packed gravel trail. That lookout has been the biggest reason I ride the PRT trails! It used to be secret but is now a public viewpoint. How about a separate bike trail then or allow bikes access to current trails? I plan to email the forest service about this infraction. Would anyone else care to?

    41. Brennan Morrow says:

      Sand is deep in many spots, trail is pretty darn duffy. Upper PRT ( on green ridge) is better, Peterson Ridge Tie trail is best of all right now.

    42. Brennan Morrow says:

      Still very dry and duffy.

    43. Brennan Morrow says:

      Very Duffy right now, with some areas that are deep sand in the lower section out of town. Middle and upper part of PRT are significantly better, but still very duffy.

    44. Brennan Morrow says:

      Pretty close to prime.

    45. Brennan Morrow says:

      Prime Trail conditions.

    46. Brennan Morrow says:

      Riding Well, However Lower trail is beginning to duff out. Very dry in some locations. Duff out crashes are scaring a number of the lower trails.

    47. Siobhan McNulty says:

      Riding quite well down below – dry as a bone. A few wet/slightly muddy areas near the top by the picnic tables on PRT West. Winds were picking up this afternoon and the sun was beaming so, with any luck, those sections will dry quickly.

    48. Patrecia Hedges says:

      Way good! No mud anywhere.

    49. Brennan Morrow says:

      All trails are in prime condition. Just about perfect riding!

    50. Brennan Morrow says:

      Lower trail to the Lookout ( Turn Key Hollow connector) is in great condition. Dry and Smooth. ( around a 11-12 loop)
      Upper Trail on Peterson Ridge is ever so slightly muddy.

    51. Brennan Morrow says:

      Trails was Perfect on Friday. Fast conditions.

    52. Eric Meade says:

      The outside loop is still muddy in several spots. If weather holds, it should be clear in a week or so.

    53. Joe Myers says:

      Report as of 2/5/16: It’s not ready for regular MTB tires yet, but firming up nicely – at least the southern half is. I suspect the northern half closest to sisters is still pretty greasy. Still a little snow on Top Rung, the top of the middle connector and the last few sections on the west side.

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