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Lookout Mountain Trail

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10.9 miles
3793' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Lookout Mountain

The Lookout Mountain Trail could easily be one of the best sustained downhill trails in Central Oregon. From the summit, the trail drops about 3500′ in 7 miles. The first few miles are rough, rocky, and technical (check out the photos on this page). As you descend the trail becomes faster and more flowy with just a few short uphill punches.

Of course there’s more to the Lookout Mountain Trail than just riding down it. Most riders will climb (or shuttle) Canyon Creek Road to the trailhead. Another “all day epic ride” option is to summit both Round Mountain and Lookout Mountain as a big loop. The lower sections of Lookout Mountain (near the Ochoco Forest Camp trailhead) can be climbed fairly easily, but going up the summit section is a challenge. Some people just hate riding roads!

The Summit of lookout is has some spectacular views. The terrain is very open at the top with few trees so you get views in all directions. The biggest view is off the steep dropoff to the South.

Late summer and early fall are the best times to ride the Ochoco Mountains. With summits around 7000′, the snow tends to last well past spring. The trails are used by hunters, hikers, and horseback riders, so plan to share the trail with others.

Two Minutes on the Lookout Mountain Trail

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. matt christensen says:

      Lookout is clear. I took care of the remaining tree today.

    2. Cory Getman says:

      6/21 One tree down (6-8”) maybe 2 miles down from summit plateau as you descend towards the ranger station.

    3. Ochoco National Forest says:

      Ochoco Trail Crew successfully cleared cleared Lookout Mountain Trail of deadfall last week. Happy Trails!

    4. Trevor Hostetler says:

      Ran from Lower Lookout TH. Snow-free till basically the summit with blow-downs scattered throughout the climb…more up higher. Nothing huge. The trail on the Eastside is pretty much solid snow. Another 2 weeks it should be gone.

    5. Big Fatty says:

      6” tree on lookout climb just out of snow park. 2 trees down on descent which don’t effect much. One is about 16” annour kid way down and has a ride around that is pretty set in. I am guessing the Usfs left this here possibly – I know they attempt to keep side by sides off the trails. There is also a leaner which you need to duck your under slightly. Trail getting quite brushy in spots on upper descent.

    6. D K says:

      still handful of trees… ONE VERY DANGEROUS… its shortly after the one longer/sustained climb in the middle. If you are descending, keep your eyes open and speed down after that climb. Big tree, blind turn… I was lucky not to impale myself

    7. Cory Getman says:

      On 6/14 I biked canyon creek rd/independent mine trail/lookout mountain loop. Four downed trees on the way up independent, and just one on lookout to watch out for on a left turn. No snow on the trails.

      I chatted with a small (two-man) trail crew on the summit plateau who were out clearing deadfall today.

    8. Ochoco National Forest says:

      Lookout Mountain Trail is clear of deadfall – Thank you Ochoco Trail Crew

    9. BendTrails says:

      Lots of running water on the trail around 2 miles from the lower trailhead. Turned back down at that point. No trees down in the lower area I rode.

    10. Ochoco National Forest says:

      Deep snow persists 1/4 mile above the upper TH just past the mine, hampering logout and trail maintenance efforts. We anticipate several weeks until the system is clear.

      The bottom mile from the Ranger Station has been cleared by our trail crew, including the larger logs mentioned in the comments.

      1. Ochoco National Forest says:

        Lookout Mountain Trail has been cleared at both ends – a 2 mile interior section from North Point to Duncan Butte has trees remaining across the trail. All clear of snow. Trail conditions remain variable with mud and water.

    11. Paul Hobson says:

      A little bit of rideable snow on the way up. Very little snow on the way down. About 5 big trees down along the way. Some have ride around developing. Dirt was great compared to Round Mountain.

    12. Zach Blickman says:

      30″ tree down on a blind corner about a 1/2 mile from the bottom, another big one down higher up just before the last short climb.

    13. BendTrails says:

      Trail now clear of down trees. thanks Ochoco National Forest!

      1. Ochoco National Forest says:

        Thank you!

    14. BendTrails says:

      recent report is about 6-8 trees left with snow patches.

    15. Jon Conway says:

      The trail is riding very well in the first 5 miles. There is no snow and only blowdown. There are about 20 trees down in the first 5 miles from the bottom. I’d say all but 5 or 6 of them could be taken care of with a hand saw, the biggest is probably 36″ diameter. I made it just shy of the summit and there was no snow but I’m not sure what the trail is like from the upper parking lot so I left it as “Rideable Snow”.

    16. Jon Conway says:

      I rode from the ranger station at the bottom of Lookout up about 3 miles (elevation 5000′) and that’s where the snow line currently is. The tread is in great shape but there’s a lot of blow down, maybe 6 trees in the first mile.

    17. BendTrails says:

      There are four very large trees down on Lookout which will require a chainsaw to clear. Two of them have decent ride-arounds. None are in a high speed area.

    18. Ochoco National Forest says:

      Ochoco NF Trail Crew completed logout of Lookout Mountain Trail from Motherlode Mine Trailhead to Lookout summit. Some sections of snow and mud remain, but this section is clear of deadfall. The downhill section to Lower Lookout Mountain still has some deadfall; We expect to have that clear next week.

      1. Ochoco National Forest says:

        Lookout Mountain Trail is clear of deadfall as of today.

    19. Brian Thomas Coop says:

      It was pretty epic today. Tacky and fun!

    20. Travis Holman says:

      North Side is all clear.

    21. Travis Holman says:

      Clear to 6600’, deep snow after that

    22. Travis Holman says:

      Riding well up to 5900′ other than one small tree and a couple small snow patches. After that the trail is mostly snow covered.

    23. Travis Holman says:

      Lower Lookout is currently clear of snow and deadfall from the ranger station up to about ~5400 feet. HOWEVER there is still a lot of mud from the snowmelt so best to give it a couple more weeks to dry out before riding the lower section (there’s already horse and tire tracks through the mud).

    24. Kevin Slane says:

      Rode today. A little snow and freeze thaw mud up top but mostly hero dirt. No dead fall at the moment. Get er while you can

    25. Zach Blickman says:

      Wildflowers are out and everything’s in great shape!

    26. Ochoco National Forest says:

      The Crook County Chapter of COTA and the USFS have cleared the Lookout Mountain Trail of deadfall. The trail is clear of snow.

    27. Suzanne Marcoe says:

      Rode the full loop today. A few trees down on the north side of Round Mt, and a few on the north side of Lookout. No snow. All trails are in great shape.

    28. Rob Landauer says:

      As per The ONF Lookout is clear from the bottom trailhead by the ranger station to “North Point” which is 0.75 miles from the summit of Lookout. After North Point there are some huge snow fields. It’s worth it if you enjoy out and backs.

    29. Ochoco National Forest says:

      Lookout Mountain Trail has been logged out by the USFS and is clear from Lower Lookout Mountain Trailhead to 1/2 mile downhill (north) from North Point. The rest of Lookout Mountain Trail continues to hold significant snow drifts and deadfall.

    30. Ochoco National Forest says:

      The Ochoco National Forest received a dusting to a few inches of snow this week depending on elevation; if heading out be prepared for all conditions.

    31. Ochoco National Forest says:

      The Ochoco National Forest received a winter storm this week; if heading out be prepared for all conditions.

    32. Travis Holman says:

      Just rode up to 5,600′ from the ranger station with early-summer-like conditions. Hit a couple of small, but rideable snow patches just below that point but likely could have gone considerably further up. One tree down, a handful of slimy spots on the flats but mostly just dry pine needles. Inversion meant it was sunny and a full 20º warmer than in town. East side trails are certainly buried in snow but if you’re willing to make the push up form the bottom it’s well worth it.

    33. Joe Myers says:

      pretty significant patches of 6″ snow. Expect to walk a fair amount (says FS)

    34. Dan Nelson says:

      A bear fell out of a tree and landed in the trail about 15 feet in front of me on my Saturday morning ride, hammered on the breaks to keep from plowing into him. I was more amused than he was.

    35. Christopher Wills says:

      Hiked the trail on Labor Day
      All clear up the 804 – back the 808A
      Lost my camera likely at the top near cliffs
      Love to have it back

    36. One big tree across the trail 2.6 miles from the bottom. It’s in a fast downhill section to keep an eye out!

    37. Trail is riding great. Saturday the 22nd is a trail running event on Lookout and Round Mountains. Click for more information: Ochoco Trail Runs.

    38. Travis Holman says:

      All clear! Big thanks to Rick Dethman for going up Friday and getting the last two biggies off the trail.

    39. Mark Simila says:

      Rode up from the lower trailhead and back down on 6/19. Trail is in great shape minus the 2 big downed trees. Watch out for ticks in the upper grassy areas.

    40. Natalie Herse says:

      Perfection. Abundant, gorgeous wildflowers. 2 big trees down on the descent. Have fun.

    41. Joe Myers says:

      report from FS: Lookout Mountain Trail is snow free and logged out from Ochoco Ranger Station (42 road) for the first three miles. Significant snow still covers the trails above the upper trailhead.

    42. Travis Holman says:

      FYI Ochoco NFS is expecting no earlier than July 1 for Lookout to be clear this year, based on current snow depths.

    43. Travis Holman says:

      Absolutely primo right now. Can’t last much longer.

    44. Chris Sheppard says:

      Snow pretty much melted – trail draining nicely!

    45. Travis Holman says:

      All clear.

      1. Heidi H-P says:

        Looks like in your second to last post you rode the middle, steep climb. Is that the one you rode again or did you ride perhaps from the ranger station, up road 42, clockwise up independent mine trail 808, and down lookout mountain trail 804?

        1. Travis Holman says:

          This time we actually drove up NF160 to 4800′ to where it nears the LOM trail and rode/pushed up to the summit from there with the saw in tow, clearing the last trees on the upper half. We went back down to our vehicle at NF160, but reports are that LOM (right trail) and Motherlode Mine (center trail) from the upper trailhead is clear,however Independent Mine Trail has not yet been cleared (scheduled to happen soon though).

    46. Travis Holman says:

      Rode Lookout from the upper trailhead via the middle, steep climb trail (shown on this map as Lookout Mountain Rd). About a dozen trees on the climb up to the summit, and another dozen on the upper half of the downhill. Trees are cleared after the first climb on the way down to the ranger station. Small snow patches but not an issue, should be totally gone in a matter of days.

    47. Travis Holman says:

      Third-hand reports that trees and snow are clear at least on the section between the summit and ranger station. Hopefully be able to report back first-hand soon.

    48. Kevin Donnelly says:

      Has anyone tried riding up from the old ranger station? How far up can you get and how many trees?

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