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Metolious-Windigo (Black Butte) Trail

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9.4 miles
1358' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Metolious-Windigo (Black Butte)

The Metolius-Windigo trail is over 100 miles long and begins in the north at the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness and runs all the way south to Windigo Pass near Crescent Lake. To minimize confusion the “Met-Win” trail — as it’s often called — is broken into distinct segments each with its own character.

The segment on this page runs for about 9 miles between the Sisters Tie Trail and the Lake Creek Trail near Camp Sherman.

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    1. Patrick Eckford says:

      Marc and other riders… Thanks for the report. FYI the Met-Win in this area is maintained by OET but like us (STA), they are presently under a FS-mandated closure on volunteer activities in the DNF.

      Yes… SNOWBRUSH!

    2. BendTrails says:

      word is mass overgrowth and down trees

      1. Marc Fortier says:

        Yep, a few trees down here and there. And the snowbush I reported on last year is even more grown in, only in that half mile (?) section in the middle where there’s no trees. Ticks here and there

    3. Marc Fortier says:

      From the Lower Butte connector to Green Ridge, the only issues are 3 fatties down near the start (1.5 to 2 ft diameter), then it’s grown in with snowbush(?) through the clearcut area

    4. Marc Fortier says:

      All good from Green Ridge to Camp Sherman. Never seen this trail so smooth, even after what I assumed would be a busy weekend, equestrian-wise

    5. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      Only rode the Camp Sherman stretch. There are plank bridges across all three forks of Lake Creek. The middle bridge is on a side trail from the horse ford.

    6. Marc Fortier says:

      Miserable, horse hoof pulverized trail, from Green Ridge intersection down to the Metolius. Probably got a lot of traffic over the long weekend. Tread is pretty soft though, so a bunch of bike traffic would smooth it out again

    7. Heidi H-P says:

      Rode most of trail 99 today, beginning at the Metolius headwaters. I eventually bailed to FS road 11 near Hwy 20 and backtracked to the Green Ridge trail and rode that, which also has its issues (see my Green Ridge trail review from today). Trail 99 is miserably chopped up by horse hooves. It has been cleared of trees however, likely courtesy of equestrians. Trail 99 is certainly an equestrian favorite.

    8. Marc Fortier says:

      Rode from the North from Lake Creek trail. Encountered about half a dozen minor trees down before the second creek crossing. I turned around here as there is no bridge, the water was deep (probably 3 feet of fast flowing creek), and the banks were muddy.

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