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Met-Win – Northfork to Mrazek Trail

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1.2 miles
415' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Met-Win – Northfork to Mrazek

This section along Metolious Windigo acts as a tie between Nothfork trail and Mrazek. It is the section of Met Win that dries out the fastest, and people create a loop by riding up Northfork, over to Mrazek and down Farewell.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Eric Colton says:

      ALL CLEAR!

    2. Ben McLeod says:

      Still a lot of snow. And tangled trees blocking the trail.

    3. jcrabill says:

      Riding great! Just a few small patches of snow near Happy Valley, but the mosquitos are the biggest obstacle right now.

    4. jcrabill says:

      Slushy and wet, but more or less rideable with a little hike-a-bike.

    5. BendTrails says:

      Please be wary as the USFS has started construction on the new bridge at Happy Valley. You may be required to walk over some holes to get across the new stringers – but preferably you will ford the creek which is rather low.

    6. Chris Bailey says:

      There are a few snow patches early on (near the Happy Valley side), but they’re either rideable or very quick to get through. No downed trees, all good overall.

    7. BendTrails says:

      Trees removed yesterday. Still about half inch of snow and frozen ground mostly. Some dirt spots in sunny areas.

    8. BendTrails says:

      About 1/2 “ snow now clear of trees. Beautiful.

    9. Drew Howlett says:

      Tons of trees down from Happy Valley to Farewell. Hero dirt in between dismounts though.

    10. BobbyBraaps says:

      Just cleared out 4 trees from the junction w/370(mrazek) to north fork. Still significant snow headed west on met-win

    11. Gary Meyer says:

      North Fork Farewell loop has been cleared.
      Big shout out the Alex, Ryan, Mike, and the FS Fire Crew that showed up and helped today.

    12. Gary Meyer says:

      Cleared deadfall from Happyvalley, MetWin to Mrazek, Mrazek to Farewell.

    13. Eric Kutter says:

      Still not really rideable but getting close. Only 10% the snow that was there 2 weeks ago. No issue for running.

    14. Eric Kutter says:

      Deep snow covering about half of this leg still, deepest close to Happy Valley. a few trees down as well.

    15. Brian Thomas Coop says:

      Snows gone, and there a tiny bit of mud depending on if it’s frozen or not. Deadfall was a bit larger than I wanted to tackle with my saw.

    16. Eric Kutter says:

      “Mostly” rideable snow heading towards happy valley. There really isn’t that much left, probably less than 10% of what was there 10 days ago. There are still a few small trees across the trail as well. With running, I never had to break my stride for the snow.

    17. David Caplan says:

      One or two small snow patches left after leaving Happy Valley, but good to go.

    18. Joe Myers says:

      east 2/3rds is clear of trees by David Robinson

      (edit) totally clear now per David and Clancy!

    19. Bill Hartrich says:

      20+/- trees down

    20. Miguel Montaña says:

      Clear, a few rideable snowy spots, a couple of muck patches from melt. All told, riding well.

    21. Joe Myers says:

      Slight deadfall cleared by jade/John today. Bit of snow but rideable

    22. Joe Myers says:

      Trail now clear. Thanks Don!

    23. Joe Myers says:

      Riding pretty darn well! Couple small snow patches, and some water runoff in spots. Cut out a few small trees and left a few there which aren’t very substantial.

      1. Natalie Herse says:

        Rode this today. Seems like a few are substantial? (i.e. get off and lift bike over)

    24. Joe Myers says:

      Rode today from Northfork to Mrazek. 8-10″ of snow. I would say 5″ is new powder and 4″ was there from before recent snow. There was a slight indention from another rider from maybe a week ago which really helped. Also the snow was a little crusty a few inches below surface which helped.

    25. Joe Myers says:

      cleared of deadfall yesterday. Riding well

    26. Dan Bileddo says:

      Within one mile of Happy Valley I ran across 4 or 5 downed trees on the trail

    27. Heidi H-P says:

      Mostly damp packed trail surface with a few soft spots, puddles, and shallow snow patches. 9 down trees noted, two of which partially protrude into the trail but can be ridden around.

    28. Jared Douglas says:

      Needs some time to drain. N Fork climb was SO good, but too many puddles!!.

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