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Kent’s Trail

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4.2 miles
681' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Kent’s

Kent’s Trail is named after Kent Benesch. The trail is fairly mellow with the typical flavor of smooth, flowy, Bend XC singletrack. There is one fairly steep climb a few miles in on the trail dubbed the “elevator shaft.” Three options await you at this climb. The most used tends to be the trail along the left (if climbing). There is also a trail on the right which will take you up to the top of the hill which is a little easier. In the middle there is a sandy clearing that people who like to descend will enjoy if the dirt has enough moisture. Climbing this is not recommended.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Grace Ogawa says:

      Hiya, Kent’s is one of the trails affected by the proposed rule change allowing class-1, pedal assist e-bikes on certain trails in the Deschutes National Forest. (This is still only a proposal, e-bikes are still prohibited on this trail.) You can learn more about the proposed rule change at:

      The forest service is requesting comments on the proposal until July 31 2024. You can leave at comment at:

      Happy trails!
      PS Bend Trails staff if you wanna do like an official tag or something that’d be groovy. The first link has maps of all the affected trails if you wanna take over. Otherwise I’ll keep working my way through affected trails over the next few days. Ta!

    2. Nathan Weisz says:

      Kent’s dry (top to bottom)

    3. Brian Jones says:

      Muddy and icy

    4. Grace Ogawa says:

      Rode it from the FSDR down to the KGB junction. After 6 fatties there’s a pretty good trail! The snow is deep up there—and no tracks above the road crossing.

    5. Steve Warden says:

      Broke Kent’s trail from KGB intersection to terminus at Phil’s on Thursday 12-1. Rode it again with a gang of 5 on Friday 12-2

    6. Josh McCormack says:

      Riding great! Couple small wet spots around the bottom, rest is awesome

    7. Eric Colton says:

      Muddy and long stretches of snow/ice on the trail between KGB and MTB on Saturday 3/12. Still needs time to melt off and dry up.

    8. Steph Hahn says:

      Rode this today at dusk with friends and my dog. On upper Kent’s we were encircled by a group of coyotes who approached us and chased my dog. Got away safely but wouldn’t ride at dusk with my dog right now.

    9. Gary Meyer says:

      Tree cleared. 4/2/21

    10. Wesdes says:

      Biked it today. Muddy spots after the elevator shaft (kgb int). I’d give a week more before you ride it to let the mud harden. If you want a trail to ride COD is in better shape.

    11. Grace Ogawa says:

      Head’s up for mud and ice above the elevator shaft (KGB junction)! It’s already pretty torn up from peeps riding in the mud. Please, folks, go when it’s frozen or go to Maston or ride the roads or something. Our trails are delicate and we can all do our part to protect them!

    12. Grace Ogawa says:

      Deep deep DEEP snow above the Elevator Shaft. Mix of mud, ice and snow below. Came down it Sat morning and was pedal striking on drifts. Haha. Good work if you can get it!

    13. Miguel Montaña says:

      Hidden ice under fresh powder.

    14. Grace Ogawa says:

      Rode up Kent’s morning of the 9th… plenty of snow cover which will probably be gone in a couple days. Expect standing water/mud/solid ice on the curves between the MTB and KGB intersections depending on temperature. Better to keep off it if its thawed, and ride careful if it’s frozen.

    15. John Stark says:

      above the MTB trail intersection has big muddy sections on Kent’s. Snow melt making it a rut fest heading to the short climb to KGB.

    16. Joe Sutherland says:

      Rode the first part of Kent’s over to KGB and then Phil’s back to the trailhaed. 85% dry or so I’d say, near perfect riding conditions in most parts, with only some small sections of mud and slush from residual snow or ice melt.

    17. Eric Smith says:

      I jumped onto Kents after coming down MTB to my delight it was a highway back to the parking lot for my fat bike . MTB was a bit of a trail breaker mess . I was on 4 inch wide studded Dillinger’s and could ride without holding on to the bars it was that smooth it looked like it had been groomed a foot and a half wide almost well it looked that way anyway . lotta traffic has been down Kent’s .

    18. Brian Jones says:

      Mtn lion tracks on Kents between KGB and MTB junctions. A week old but worth a note for riders with dogs.

    19. Tim Maddux says:

      Riding well as of 5/11 and 5/12. No mud.

    20. Miguel Montaña says:

      The first 1/4 mile is awesome! After that it’s really muddy (turned back). Not yet.

    21. Ryan Weald says:

      Freeze thaw cycle has started. Large pockets of standing water and mud as the day goes on. Ride early while still frozen to avoid doing damage to the trail.

    22. Joey Doll says:

      ~8″ tree down, halfway between KGB and MTB IIRC.

      Packed snow, riding well besides some ruts.

    23. John Stark says:

      Rode Kent’s down to KGB. The upper section had thin snow and some crunchy sections.

      No fatty required.

    24. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      On the new stretch starting from Voodoo the firm tread is narrow. On the outside of a few corners there are deep wheel ruts.

    25. Amanda Redmond says:

      Has anyone found keys riding Kent’s? Went on a pretty perfect ride yesterday (except for a bit of dust around some steep corners) but lost a set of car keys. Any ideas for how to best find them?

    26. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      There’s a blown-out berm. Another has gotten rock reinforcement.

    27. Tim Henke says:

      Riding good up to Voodoo with a few rutted out areas. Dried out for the most part. Far as I went.

    28. Miguel Montaña says:

      Pedaled up to the Phil’s left, before voodoo intersection as you ascend, a handful of moderately soft spots, but other than that, trail was perfect.

    29. Joe Myers says:

      Good condition at least up to KGB as of today

    30. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      Looks like the new junction with Phil’s is open. This leaves from the same place as the Voodoo crossing. The sign has been removed at the old junction, but you can still start Kent’s from there. I assume that might be closed off soon. Given that the map view here might be wrong.

      1. Scott Sichler says:

        Rode it yesterday. Trail is in good condition.

    31. Peter Fox says:

      The trail work done at the end of 2016 did a fantastic job on Kents. Trail is in great shape.

    32. Bill Hartrich says:

      Kent’s all clear now.

    33. Joe Myers says:

      Large tree down above intersection with Phil’s.

    34. Jason Bavuso says:

      Kent’s is good all the way up to the intersection with Phil’s.

    35. Miguel Montaña says:

      Kent’s is decent (a few mud/snow spots) up to the first intersection with KGB. Beyond that it gets increasingly muddy/snowy and best avoided unless you have tires with a metabolism problem.

    36. Dave Custer says:

      dropped at night riding a standard 29r from Whoops to Phils TH, colder temps made for super firm dirt with good traction….even in the light snow patches.

    37. Tim Schallberger says:

      Usual Lunch loop of Kent’s to KGB to Phil’s is riding great. Only 1 or 2 small strips that are still wet and no ruts yet. Get out there…

    38. Heidi H-P says:

      Too many puddles to count. Most of which have no go around. Puddles have enough water in them to soak a rider, even with bike fenders, if the rider is bombing away. Ground at the bottom of puddles isn’t terribly soft. At least ruts aren’t yet an issue.

    39. Tim Schallberger says:

      Road my usual Kent’s to KGB to Phil’s lunch route and it is riding great with only two puddles and neither are covering more than 25% of the trail. I am dumbfounded that there is not more standing water out there…

    40. Tim Schallberger says:

      Rode Kent’s to KGB to Phil’s today at Lunch.

      The usual 3 trail-wide puddles within the first 1/2 mile of Kent’s are back after the rain but after that perfect trail conditions.

      There was one trail-wide puddle on the KGB connector section from Kent’s down to the Chicken.

      Nothing from the Chicken back to the Parking Lot on Phils.

      By far the worse section was the double track that parallels Skyliner. I counted 8 road wide puddles.

    41. Truett Shilling says:

      Wow… Did Ben’s- Voodoo- Kent’s. New to Phils and Bend and this has to be a favorite of many. Good speed and not too crazy. Perfect for everyone! (A thanks to the nice lady who pointed back to the Kent’s after almost getting to Grand Slam… oops)

    42. Damon Runberg says:

      Kent’s is riding great. Descended from Voodoo and it was awesome the whole way down. The trail is handling the rain well since the ground is thawed. Should stay that way unless the dreaded freeze-thaw cycle returns.

    43. Heidi H-P says:

      Damp, sticky dirt from KGB to parking lot with the exception of one trail-wide mud pit. No beta on Kent’s above KGB.

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