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Grand Slam Trail

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5.5 miles
955' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Grand Slam

Grand Slam is one of the more technical of the mountain biking trails in the Phil’s area. Lots of nice, techy rock challenges in several sections. The upper section used to be called CIA (Cyclists in Action) and used to have a few nice chunky tech obstacles, but was dumbed down in recent years and several go-arounds were created. Boo!

Historically the trail was named Golden Schauer after a tall blond haired dude named Scott Schauer and a significant section was built by Kent Howes and Mark Dejohn. The FS didn’t like the name “Golden Schauer”, and other names were thrown around (Giant Salami, Good Shit…). Finally they settled on Grand Slam. Another segment was called DS (Dave’s Singletrack) after Dave Schmidt.

Sixty second clip of mountain biking the Grand Slam trail in Bend, Oregon.

This trail is maintained by Central Oregon Trail Alliance.

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    1. Barney Gill says:

      Rode between storm king and voodoo child yesterday. Running great!

    2. Geoff Thilo says:

      Running great! There is some patchy snow near the junction of Storm King, but all clear and dry downhill.

    3. Big Fatty says:

      found a very large tree branch down that fell off a giant dead pondo. Was blocking the trail and we moved off by hand.

    4. BendTrails says:

      Mostly clear. Some sections of snow with dry train between

    5. Jason Caron says:

      Grand slam above 4610 full of water. Below 4610 it’s riding great!

    6. speedycrab12 says:

      Upper section from Voodoo’s Child to Storm King is clear and dry. Snow level seems to be right around 4,600 feet, and on north facing aspects. Snow begins at the top of Grand Slam where it intersects with Storm King. Upper Grand Slam is riding much more like mid summer with some sandy and dusty corners. Some berms starting to blow out. Didn’t ride lower Grand Slam below Voodoo Child. Given snow on northern aspects and in drainages, lower Grand Slam may still be muddy/snowy in shaded sections.

      1. Kim Carter says:

        There is a 8″ diameter tree down past Voodoo Child and about half way to the Voodoo intersection. Riding well otherwise.

    7. Jimmy Thefly says:

      Upper Grand Slam from Storm King down to Voodoo Child/ticket to Ride junction is riding awesome and totally clear of downfall.

    8. Dustin Balderach says:

      Riding well. Love this trail!

    9. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Just one small mud patch at the road crossing before that final ridge line climb. Other than it’s in very good condition for this time of year.

      1. Chris Uehlein says:

        Rides terrific! Had to remove an deliberately placed obstacle that blocked the path to the drop shortly after the picnic table.
        I posted it on the Facebook group.
        It’s clear now, enjoy my fellow riders!

    10. Joe Myers says:

      headed over to clear trees and Gary called and said he had it covered. So did some intel on GS above 4610. All in good shape. A few patches of ridable snow and then unridable snow about 100 yards from storm king. 5 trees that I believe Gary/Alex were planning on clearing above 4610.

    11. Alex Anderson says:

      Grand Slam riding great below Voodoo. 3 large trees down. Have reported location on Trailforks.

    12. Eric Kutter says:

      still a couple of snow patches below the cliffs just up hill from ELV jct. And a couple of larger trees between ELV and voodoo as mentioned.

    13. Colin Mcvey says:

      Rideable below Voodoo mostly. A few down trees

    14. Joey Doll says:

      Hiked part of GS today. 2-3 inches of fluff but no tire tracks.

      “Powder Snow” would be most appropriate, but it’s not a selectable option right now.

    15. Adam Richards says:

      Hit Storm King-Grand Slam this weekend. Some pretty major logging destruction around the top couple miles of Grand Slam. One major deadfall on GS that hopefully the logging folks will deal with, about half mile below Storm King, here: https://goo.gl/maps/dn5GoU3QDQR2. Otherwise trail is in good enough shape considering all the destruction going on.

    16. COTA says:

      Reminder: Grand Slam is CLOSED (again) from the FS 4610/4604 junction to Storm King Monday – Friday for the foreseeable future. It’s the most westerly section. Please avoid for your safety, & so the loggers can finish & get outta there.

      1. Bruce Bradshaw says:

        The east closure barricade blocks the trail at the bottom of a downhill in a dust trough. Might be tricky avoiding when descending on a weekend.

    17. Jeff Moore says:

      I saw a pair of coyotes a mile above rd 4610 maybe there is a den? Be careful if u have a dog

    18. Joe Myers says:

      Grand slam is now open all days. Logging is complete.

    19. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      There is some small debris on upper Grand Slam due to the logging activity, but otherwise in good shape.

    20. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Currently .5-1.5 inch powder above Voodoo (weekend only) and foot wide packed snow below that.

    21. Joe Myers says:

      Upper GS is now closed due to logging above the junction with Ticket to Ride.

      1. Bruce Bradshaw says:

        Seems like this closure notice is getting buried under the “Riding Well” status unless the closure is really being ignored. The West Bend site has it as weekday only:


        1. Thanks again Bruce. I added a call out box at the top of the trail description — which is how we usually treat partial closures.

    22. Eric Smith says:

      Just a few sections of mud at the top towards storm king. Tree thinning has put cat or bulldozer type tracks through the trail in the upper sections . Smoky from controlled burn today as well up top

    23. Jay Marsh says:

      Above Ticket to Ride; wonderful, firm & crusty trail conditions mid-day, after freezing overnight temps. May soften in the afternoon, but riding perfectly!

    24. David Pilz says:

      Rode 11/7 from Ticket to Ride to ELV. Rideable snow the whole way. Even the technical bits were rideable which surprised me.

    25. Erik Santner says:

      We found a pair of Suncloud sunglasses above Voodoo on Grand Slam. They were left at the Phil’s TH kiosk.

    26. Grace Ogawa says:

      Good to go for the 2017 season!

    27. Tristan S says:

      Grand Slam is good to the top – there are a few snow patches and one downed tree but nothing unmanageable.

    28. Eric Kutter says:

      Good until you hit snow 3/4 mile past Ticket to ride. You do run into a small amount of logging debris before that.

    29. Alex Marganski says:

      you can ride grandslam to the intersection of voodoo and can head up voodoo a little ways before you start hitting snow

      1. Alex Marganski says:

        now up to ticket to ride

    30. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      There’s a small tree down with a ride around west of 4615 road and before the 200 road.

    31. Russ Omizo says:

      lost a garmin edge 705 on7/19/16; please contact me if found

    32. Jay Marsh says:

      Wonderful from top to bottom! One tree down about 1/3 way down from the top. Enjoy!

    33. Derek Manwill says:

      The lower parts are great! Not sure about up top.

      1. Jacob Hartley says:

        no bueno up top

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