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Crazyhorse Trail

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3.6 miles
615' ↑

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Trail Description

 E-bikes NOT allowed on Crazyhorse

Crazyhorse is a mountain biking trail that not a lot of people know about on the South side of Horse Ridge proper. The trail is very primitive, narrow and quite technical in spots. There are a couple of dirt road crossings where it’s easy to lose the trail — so keep an eye out for the single track and don’t go zooming down the road, or you might miss it.

Crazyhorse starts at the fence line at the intersection of Horse to Horse trail and ends at a gravel road near the end of Has No Horse.

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    1. Tim Henke says:

      riding fairly well. A bit of mild lumpy bumpy riding in the sections that the cows graze, besides that great traction all around & great views.

    2. Molly Wilson says:

      The cows have churned up the trail really badly from a little bit past the corral, heading clockwise, to the high point. Particularly bad around the junction to Crooked Arm.

    3. Joe Myers says:

      Riding pretty well. Half inch of snow on a lot of it. Once on the more north facing slopes there is a little chunky ice below the snow but didn’t cause any problems

    4. BendTrails says:

      Seeing some reports of coyote traps in the area which have been catching dogs. Dog owners beware.

    5. Dustin Balderach says:

      Riding great. No snow, no mud, minimal sand. Get on this now!

    6. Jeremy Brodhead says:

      Only minimal snow/ice/mud. 99% perfect. Get it before the weather comes back in!

      Trail update brought to you by Hearthside Medicine Cycling Team!

    7. Don Leet says:

      Parts of Crazy Horse are nearly unrideable do to grazing. The most western parts. Stay away until it rains and we have a freeze thaw cycle. They have removed most of the cattle so it will get better.

    8. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      Could update this trail description. Tread is now well defined and no cairns noticable. Can loose the trail at dirt road crossings if you don’t know where the trail is heading.

    9. Steven Powers says:

      The loop around the Golden Basin is about 10 miles and 850 ft elevation. These numbers are deceiving. This area has numerous rock gardens for your enjoyment. There are great views of the Cascades west of Bend, Pine Mt to the east, Paulina Rim to the south, and the Ochocos to the north. NOTE: When riding counterclockwise, on the west side of the loop, stay right and traverse the large open area to the west edge of the southern ridge. If you take the single track left (east), it dumps you on a dirt road, and you will have to listen to your riding buddy bitch until you find the single track again! Get some!

    10. Mark Kastantin says:

      Great tread with the recent rain. Needs a few more riders as the vegetation is currently winning the battle to reclaim this trail. Go get it!

    11. CORY POULIN says:

      All dry, quiet and a nice escape. Not a single wet spot, riding great!

    12. Grace Ogawa says:

      Good to go! Only a few vanishing patches of mud/snow and otherwise hero dirt all the way.

      Rode the entire Crazyhorse/Has no Horse loop today and the only significant snow is on the north end of the loop, and then only 2-3 large patches, easily walked-through.

    13. Brian Thomas Coop says:

      The loop is great in places and downright awful in others. Cows are out, but they really aren’t the culprit. The northern section (if you’re going CCW, from Crooked Arm to the bottom of the downhill) is deep sand. Entertaining going down, but a slog going up. The southern half is riding pretty well – even where it’s not rocky. We really just need more winter and more moisture to get it packed in.

    14. Ryan Pedersen says:

      Mostly tacky dirt with a few small snow/mud patches sprinkled about. Pro tip: always wear long socks at Crazyhorse and H2H no matter the temperature. Those side trail shrubs are vicious bastards

    15. Jay Marsh says:

      Hero Dirt! All clear and grippy. Enjoy!

    16. Jay Marsh says:

      Frozen, firm & wonderful conditions. 1/2″ of crunchy, grippy snow on north side of ridges.

    17. Jeff Moore says:

      Riding well, nice adventure on a rugged trail and great weather. Trail not marked except for one engraved post and sign so be prepared Btw H2H riding fine and seems to have had more traffic

    18. Brian Coop says:

      Not a lick of snow and trail conditions are perfect. Seriously great conditions out there – get some!

    19. Patrecia Hedges says:

      On 11/7, the H2H connector was in great shape with no cow issues and no bike tracks. Weird.

    20. Riding perfect. The Horse to Horse connector is also in really good shape. No snow on the ground. Just great dirt and rocks.

    21. Heidi Faller says:

      Couple muddy spots

    22. Bruce Bradshaw says:

      There are some lose sandy patches and cow pies, but overall in good shape.

    23. Eric Kutter says:

      Not a bit of snow on the Horse to Horse connector trail, all the way from Horse Butte. Actually starting to get a bit sandy in some corners.

    24. Alex Marganski says:

      rode from horse butte to the connector trail to the crazyhorse/gold basin/ holy grail loop. Pretty rideable few snow patches on the north facing slopes but most of them can be ridden through. After you cross the ridge theres a one or two large ones before you start the descent on holy grail. Theres few in the trees of holy grail, so watch out if your maching it into that section.

    25. Eric Kutter says:

      Horse Butte to Horse Ridge is riding great. The connector (whatever that is called from Arnolds Ice Cave to Crazy Horse) has improved greatly over the last year. Crazy Horse definitely bumped me around a bit on my hard tail and was hard to follow in a couple spots. It needs a few more riders.

    26. Natalie Herse says:

      As of Saturday (after the rains) this trail was perfect – no dust/sand. Grasses starting to grow in but still able to follow the trail. Access trails have had cows on them unfortunately. Fun!

    27. Report from Natalie: “As of 2/8/16. Crazyhorse (from Ford road at the corral up Has No Horse and around to the south back down to Ford Road) is perfect. Scant glop on north facing switchbacks, should be gone in the next few days.”

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