E-bikes NOT allowed on Frissell
Frissell Trail is located just North of the famous McKenzie River Trail and offers some amazing views of the McKenzie River Valley below. The upper end of the trail ends at the boundary of the HJ Andrew Experimental Forest which is basically treated as Wilderness and closed to bikes. Expect a steep and narrow trail.
Riding great ! I raked debris off the top half, and built out some of the switchbacks. Left my tools half way down, so hopefully will be back to clean up the rest of it soon
Did my annual ride of this trail. Unfortunately, it’s in the worst shape I’ve seen it in a while, especially the top half, which is littered with debris and has lots of overhanging branches. A good aggressive raking would probably improve things dramatically. Needs some bench cutting too. The lower half is much better. The upper approach trail from the road now has 18 big logs down.
Frissel trail is clear of logs – looks like recent cuts – so thanks to whoever ! Brushy on the top half, and the bench is starting to degrade, but lower half is flowing fast. The upper approach trail from the road has 12 big logs down.
Trail is now mostly clear of deadfall, but expect primitive conditions. The top half has lots of encroaching vegetation, and a fair amount of debris. The lower half had significant deadfall, but cleared most of it out with my handsaw. Two issues remain : at the first dry drainage (close to lower trailhead), there are some slides that have eliminated the tread. I cleared a path through, but it will need to be re-benched. There is also a cluster of trees too big for my saw (but I hacked in a work around). The second issue is just above the wet drainage further up the trail : another cluster with a similar workaround. But a fun ride if you like it old-school narrow and primitive !
Trail’s in the best shape I’ve ever seen. Only 1 log down on the 1-mile approach trail (which I removed), and the entire, ripping descent was clear. Someone worked around 2 of the problematic root balls as well. Great old school narrow bench trail, descending 2500 vf in 4.5 miles. I see no sign indicating the approach trail at the top is closed to bikes (nor any signs at all:). But if you had to walk it, just a 1 mile slight uphill.