COTA Deadfall Summary
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10" tree as you climb west out of lower rim of COD. Before Rockstacker. 5" tree also down on ridge just west of rockstacker.
La Pine State Park
Three trees down about 1/4 mile in from Fall River Trailhead on Fall River Loop Trail going counter clockwise.
Cultus Lake Loop
Three trees down on the north side of the Cultus Lake, one is 4ft DBH, very hard to get over. Also 2 down along little Cultus Lake.
McKenzie River
No deadfall details provided.
Met-Win » Flagline to Happy Valley
14" ish tree down at first switchback about a mile ish above happy valley
Metolius - Windigo (Todd Lk)
1-2 trees down
Metolius-Windigo » Lava Lake
Tree every half mile or so. More on the north half
Metolius-Windigo (99 Upper)
Just south of the Bottle Creek crossing, 2 trees that you can squeeze under, but with difficulty.
Deadfall across trail approximately 1/2 way up the climbing section.
Tyler’s Traverse
one large tree across the climbing road about 2 miles up. Variable snow from 1-6" deep starting at 4600ft. the trail is in better shape than the road
Crescent Mountain (North)
Broken snag across trail about 1/3 down from top, yellow jacket nest at break. Three down at around 1/2, 1 in switchback turn below clearing
Gate Creek
A couple of easy trees down along the upper ridge, and more overgrown than usual along upper half. Main descent is all clear.
Browder Ridge
Snow is all melted on Browder and Gate Creek. Trail is about 80% ridable with sections of deadfall throughout so currently a bit of hike a bike.
Waldo Lake
East side trees down. Better reports on FB
Heart Lake
Around five trees down on initial climb up from the lower trail junction, some could be cut w handsaw. Traverse to the ridge is all ridable.
Swamp Peak
No deadfall details provided.
Multiple trees, boulders down in trail. Heavy overgrowth near the meadow
Pyramid Epic Loop
Rode clockwise from North Pyramid. Conditions are prime! Some deadfall but none in high speed sections. Go get it!
Gordan Peak
Several small trees down, riding well!
O’Leary Mountain
About 8 large trees down on the first half of the trail (from olallie), otherwise second half is clear
Gordon Lakes
Half a dozen trees between the lakes and Meadow trail. Still the same one from last year with a note pinned to it 'Gary you can stop here'.
Chucksney Mountain
All clear except for one monster log
Middle Fork » Upper
No deadfall details provided.
Charlton Lake #19
Not ready. Do not ride this trail.
Metolius-Windigo (99)
Riding well. 1 medium tree down about a mile south of Lemish. In the burn near Lemish, plenty of pokey branches that need cutting back as well.
Scar Mountain
Riding great, several small trees down.
King Castle
4-5 significant size trees down on the top section of Kings Castle above Forest Road 480 on the way up to Castle Rock intersection.
Trail is destroyed at the lower creek crossings. Countless fallen trees from the winter storms in the new burn. Unridable until repaired.
Not logged
Moore Creek
34 trees down, most are small and easy, two or 3 that are larger.
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